
Knitting Coat Tutorial

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Coat "Elizabeth" by the model of Ralph Lauren. At the age of 3.5 - 4 years (growth of about 100 cm) Materials: 650 g Candy from Vita, spokes number 3.5. Patterns: See below. Pearl knitting. 1 p. - 1 persons.p., 1 str. paragraph 2 p. - 1 persons. etc., 1 point of view. Density of persons. smooth: 25 p. x 37 r. = 10 x 10 cm. The shelves and the back are knitted with a single cloth. Dial 334 items, tie 8 rows of garter stitch (all items are worn in all rivers) Next knit next. way: 7 persons. etc., 1 of them. n., 6 persons. etc. (fantasy tourniquet), 1 of them. p., 2 p. knitting, 1 str. etc., 9 persons. (a large braid), 1 out of. p., 2 p. knitting, 37 p. according to the scheme of the central aran, 2 pcs. knitting, 1 hp, 9 persons.p. (a large braid), 1 out of. p., 2 p. knitting, 1 str. etc., 14 points according to the "rhombus" scheme, 1 ref. p., 5 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (burning), 1 str. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (burning), 1 str. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (braid), 1 str. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. etc. (fantasy tourniquet), 1 of them. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. etc., 14 points according to the "rhombus" scheme, 1 ref. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. etc. (fantasy tourniquet), 1 of them. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (braid), 1 str. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (burning), 1 str. p., 8 p. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (burning), 1 str. p., 4 p. knitting, 1 str. etc., 14 points according to the "rhombus" scheme, 1 ref. p., 2 p. knitting, 1 hp, 9 persons.p. (a large braid), 1 out of. p., 7 p. knitting, 1 str. etc., 26 persons.p. (faces), 1 of them. p., 5 p. knitting, 1 hp, 6 persons.p. (spit), 1 out of. etc., 6 persons.p. Next knit according to the schemes. Through 20 r. areas of pearl mating that contain more than 2 points, cut on each side by 1 p. Repeat every 14 r. bringing all the sections of pearl mating up to 2 points (the last 2 sections framing the faces of the smooth surface, bring to 3 points). At the same time, cut the area of ​​the facial surface by 1 p. on each side after 30 r. , then cut every 18 r. up to the flirt. After 28 cm from the beginning of the work, decorate the armholes of the trail. way: close 4 pt between the first two bundles, then close 4 pts between the second two bundles. Knit each shelf and back separately. Upper part of the backrest: Continue knitting along the pattern, closing on each side in each second row 2 times 2 sts, 2 times 1 st. At a height of 44 cm from the beginning to decorate the neck, close the central 22 n. Next, close each side in each second row 2 times 1 pt. Knit straight, at a height of 46 cm from the beginning, close the remaining loops. The upper part of the right shelf: Continue knitting along the pattern, closing on each side in each second row 2 times 2 pts, 2 times 1 pt. After 4 rows from the beginning of the armhole begin the design of the coquette trace. way: 7 persons. etc., 1 of them. etc., the following 71 items should be reduced, on 2 and 3 points, bringing their number to 27 points. The rest of them should be knitted along the pattern. Next, the coquette is tied with the jam. viscous. Through 10 r. from the beginning of the coquette make 2 holes for the buttons at a distance of 6.5 cm (15 p.) from each other. Through 24 p. from the beginning of the coquette repeat the holes. Another 6 r. decorate the neck, closing the beginning of the river. 27p., Then in each 2-rd river. alternately 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, n, knit straight and at a height of 46 cm from the beginning of mating to cover the remaining n. Upper part of the left shelf: Knit like the right shelf, but without making holes for the buttons. The plot under the coquette (42 p.) Is also brought to 27 p. Sleeve: Dial 87 p. tie 8 rows of garter stitch (all items are worn in all rivers) Next knit next. way: 6 pcs. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (braid), 1 str. cl., 6 pt. knitting, 1 str. etc., 10 points according to the scheme "small rhombuses", 1 dep. cl., 6 pt. knitting, 1 str. n., 9 persons. etc. (large spit), 1 child. cl., 6 pt. knitting, 1 str. etc., 10 points according to the scheme "small rhombuses", 1 dep. cl., 6 pt. knitting, 1 str. n., 6 persons. n. (braid), 1 str. cl., 6 pt. knitting. Knit by the scheme, with this through 16 p. from the beginning of the schemes, cut 1 p. from each side of the sections of the jam. knitting (except for the first and last), repeat the cut after another 16 p. After 17 cm from the beginning of the mating add in each 8th p. 4 times 1 pt. From each side of the sleeve, tying them to a punch. viscous. After 27 cm from the beginning, decorate the armholes, closing on each side in each 2 m river. sequentially 3 items, 2n, 1n, 1n, 1n. Knit 10 rubles. straight. Then close each side in each 2 m river. consecutively 3 items, 4p., 5p., 6p, 7p. Close the remaining loops. The second sleeve is similar. Assembly: Perform shoulder seams. Sew the sleeves and sew them into the armholes. Sew off the buttons. Pieces of facial smoothness on the edges of the coat bend to the wrong side and hem from the underside. If desired, sew a lining. Filling neck and collar: At the edge of the neck, dial the loops and tie off the face surface 8 r. Unbend to the wrong side and hem from the underside. On the inner side of the neck lift the hinges, not reaching 6 cm to the edge on each side and knit the collar of the jam. viscous. After 14 rows close on each side in each 2 m river. sequentially 1 item, 2n., 3n., 4n. Raise the hinges with each closed rounded part of the collar and, knitting with the remaining collar loops, knit the straps of the faces. smooth. After 4 rows, change the knitting needles to No. 6 and tie one row. Return to spokes number 3.5 and tie another 4 rows of faces. smooth. Unbend the harness in half in the center row and hem from the underside of the collar. Bow. In the waist region on the back, raise 11 p. (See photo) and knit a tape on them. way: 2 persons. p., 7 p. knitting, 2 persons. Continue to a length of about 36 cm, close. On the other hand, connect a similar tape. Tie two ribbons with a bow and silently secure it with a few stitches. Patterns: Large braid (pattern number 56) Harness. Corresponds to 6 persons. hinges, crosses 3/3 in every second row. Fantasy harness. Corresponds to 6 points, in the 1-rd river. cross the right first 4 loops (2/2), in the 3rd r. cross over to the right 2 last loops with the first 4 loops (2/4). Repeat these 4 rows. On both sides of the central rhombus on the back of the fantasy bundles are performed in a mirror image. Central aran. Diamond (pattern No. 88) Scythe (side elements of pattern No. 43) Small rhombuses (pattern on sleeves) Use Scheme No. 16.20, only knit one rapport, framing it on both sides of one face. (total 10 items). All the rest of the items inside the diamonds are purl.

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