Maria PULLOVER CROCHET SWEET Posted by Maria, on March 26,2025 3596 × If you can't save with Pinterest Save Button, you can use button below Click For Crochet Abbreviations List Dimensions: 34- [36 / 38-40 / 42-44 / 46-48 / 50] (EUR) We will need: the yarn "Iris" (100% cotton, 180 m / 100 g) - 600-700-800-900- 1000 g of pink color, hook number 4, tapestry needle, markers for loops. The density of knitting: 16p x 20 r. = 10 x 10 cm. Note for the sample: [Each new relief column with a cushion (PCTN) is knitted in the previous PCTN, while passing as many loops in the row as the PCTN was tied to avoid the addition of loops]. Twisted bundles are formed from 4 crossed PCTNs: {tie two PCTNs in the 3rd and 4th PCTNs, then 2 more PCTs in the 1st and 2nd PCTs} Patterns of the plait : dial 28 VP 1st pass . (right side): 2 sc, 2 rstn, 4 cbn, 4 rstn, 4 cbn, 4 rstn, 4 cbn, 2 rstn, 2 cbn. 2-r .: the whole series to tie the RLS. 3-r .: 1 VP (for lifting), 2 sc, 2 rstn, * 4 sc, 2 rstn in the next. 2 of the PCTD, 2 of the PCT in the previous 2 PCTNs (see note {}) *, repeat one more time from * to *, 4 scs, 2 PCTs, 2 scs. 4 rd .: the whole series to tie up the RLS. 5th r .: Knit as the 1st. 6th р .: all series to tie up СБН. 7th р .: knit as 3rd, 8th р .: all series to tie СБН. 9-th р .: knit as 1st, 10th р .: all series to tie СБН. 11th р .: 3 СБН, * 2 РСТН, 2 СБН * repeat from * to * 5 times, 2 РСТН, 3 сбН 12th р .: all the series to tie up the RLS. 13th р .: 4 СБН, * 4 РСТН, 4 СБН *, repeat from * to * 3 times. 14th р .: all series to tie up СБН. 15th р .: 4 СБН, * 4 перекрещ. РСТН, 4 СБН *, repeat from * to * 3 times. 16-r .: the whole series to tie up the RLS. 17-th р .: knits like the 13th. 18th р .: all series to tie up with. 19-th р .: it is knitted as the 15th р. 20-rd r .: the entire series of tie SBN. 21 rd .: as the 13th р. 22nd r .: the entire series of tying SBN. 23rd р .: as the 11th р. 24th р .: the whole number of tie SBN. BACK SELECT 68 [76-84-92-100] VP + 1 VP for lifting and knit all time RLS. At an altitude of 35 cm begin to form armholes arm: 4 [4-5-6-7] polustolbik without nakida (PBN), 1 VP, 60 [68-74-80-86] RLS. Then decrease 1 loop in each row 4 [6-7-8-9] times. After all deductions, 52- [56-60-64-68] loops should remain. Knit further. At an altitude of 50- [51-52-53-55] cm, begin to tie the neck and shoulder bevels as follows: 1st p. Throat: 1 VP for lifting, 8- [10-12-14-16] RLS, work to deploy. The 2 nd р. Throat: 1 VP, make 1 decrease, tying 2 pcs together with RLS (see Fig. 1), the remaining loops knit RLS (7- [9-11-13-15]) 3rd r. Throat: 1 VP, 6- [8-10-12-14] RLS, make 1 decrease, tying 2 pts together with RLS. 4 th and 5 th р. Throat: repeat the 2nd and 3rd rows. At the end of knitting should remain 4- [6-8-10-12] loops of the 6th р. neck: repeat the 2nd row. (= 3- [5-7-9-11]) n. 7 th р. Throat: 1 VP, 3- [5-7-9-11] RLS. Cut the thread. The second part of the neck is symmetrical. BEFORE 1st r .: repeat the 1st r. backrest. The 2 nd р. (right side): 1 VP, 20- [24-28-32-36] RLS, mark with a marker and start pattern 1 (or see the description of the bundle pattern), first row by tying: * 4 RLS, 4 stakes with a cape, 4 scs * repeat from * to * 3 times, mark with one more marker the last loop of the pattern, 20- [24-28-32-36] RLS. 3rd r .: Knit all the loops SBN. 4 rd .: 1 VP, 20- [24-28-32-36] RLS, mark the beginning of the pattern with the marker, 3 RLS, * 2 RSTN, tie in the 1st and 2nd SSN of the previous row, 2 RLS, 2 of the PCT, tie in the 3rd and 4th SSN of the previous series, 2 scs * repeat from * to * 2 more times, 1 RLS, mark the end of the pattern with the marker, 20- [24-28-32-36] RLS. 5th r .: To knit all the RNS loops. Only for sizes [42-46-50]! Repeat rows 4 and 5 [1-2-3] times respectively. For all sizes: knit to continue by making a pattern of bundles. At an altitude of 35 cm from the beginning of knitting (after connecting the 1st to the 20th river pattern) begin to form armholes and a neck: 1st r .: 1 VP, make 1 decrease by tieing 0 [0-2-2-2] loops together with RLS (see Figure 1), then tied another 17 [19-20-23-26] RLS., 2 RSTN, 6 RLS. Knit to deploy and tie the neck, armholes and bevels of the shoulders separately. 2 rd .: 1 VP, make 1 decrease, tying 2 pcs together with RLS, 24- [26-28-30-33] RLS, 1 reduction, tying the last 0 [0-0-2-2] p. together with the RLS of the 3rd r .: 1 VP, 1 reduction after 0- [0-0-0-2] p., together with RLS, 16- [18-20-22-23] RLS, 2 RSTN, 4 RLS, 1 2-point reduction together with RLS. (= 23- [25-27-29-31]) item 4 of the р .: 1 VP, 1 reduction having tied 2 items together with. 5-r р .: 1 VP, 15- [17-19-21-23] СБН, 2 РСТН, 3 СБН, 1 reduction after tying 2 items together with RLS. (= 21- [23-25-27-29] etc.) 6th р .: to be tied as the 4th row (= 20 - [- 22-24-26-28] п.) 7th р. : 1 VP, RLS to the last 6 loops. The remaining stitches are to be traced. way: 2 PCTN, 2 sc, 1 reduction after tying 2 pts together with RLS. 8th р .: to be tied as the 4th (= 18- [20-22-24-26] п.). 9th р .: 1 ВП, СБН, to the last 5 loops. The remaining stitches are to be traced. way: 2 PCTN, 1 sc, 1 reduction after tying 2 pts together with RLS. 10-th р .: to tie as the 4th (= 16- [18-20-22-24] n.). 11th р .: 1 ВП, СБН, to the last 4 loops. The remaining stitches are to be traced. way: 2 PCTN, 1 reduction after tying 2 pts together with RLS. (= 15- [17-19-21-23] p.) 12th р .: 1 VP, RLS to the end of the series. 13th р .: 1 ВП, СБН, to the last 6 loops. The remaining stitches are to be traced. way: 1 reduction by tying in 2 points together with SBN, 2 PCTN, 1 sc. (= 14- [16-18-20-22] n.) Repeat the 12th and 13th rows until 7- [9-11-13-15] loops remain. To form the bevel of the shoulder in the next. persons. row to tie 3- [5-7-9-11] PBN. To tie the series according to the figure. The work is to expand and tie 4 p. Of drawing another 31 rows, for finishing the neck. The second part of the neck: 1st r .: expand the product of persons. side to yourself, fix the RLS thread in the center of the work, having retreated from the first part of the neck of the 2 loop. Then knit 5 СБН, 2 РСТН, remaining loops to tie СБН, not forgetting to reduce loops at the end of a number, having tied 0- [0-2-2-2] п. Together. Next knit similar to the first part of the neck. SLEEVES 1 rd: dial 39- [39-41-43-45] VP, including 1 st lift and tie 1 row of RLS. From the 2nd to the 9th [9-9-9-7] -th series knit the RLS. Then in each 4-th row add 1 p. On each side of the sleeve 1- [4-6-8-10] times. Then make an increase in each 5th row 7- [5-4-3-2] times. (= 54- [58-62-66-70] n.) At a height of 32 cm from the beginning of knitting, subtract the 4- [4-5-6-7] loops from each side of the sleeve, at the same time, at the beginning of the loop row, tie PBN, and at the end of the row, the given number of loops can not be joined, the work can be unfolded and a trail started. row. (= 46- [50-52-54-56] n.). Only for the sizes 40/42 - 44/46 - 48/50 !!! Span another 2-4-6 rows of RLS. For all sizes: in each successive row, do 1 reduction in the middle, tying 2 pips together until there are 12 pts. Then finish the product. The second sleeve is similar. ASSEMBLY Sew up front and back with shoulder straps, sew on sleeves, sew up sleeves and side seams. Finish the bake sewn with a tapestry needle on the neckline of the back. Source :