
How to Make Amigurumi Doll

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I did not use the frame in this toy, since Iris is pretty tough and good
keeps the form. If you want, you can do it on the frame.

Unless otherwise specified, the details are knitted in a spiral. For convenience, use the marker. We fill out the details
filler as you knit.

We will need:
Yarn: black, white, corporal, brown, light green, green. Filler.
Needle for stapling parts. Wire (optional).
VP - air loop SBN - column without crochet
ПССН - полустолбик with накидом ССН - a column with накидом
SS - connecting post
Approx. - two RLSs in one loop of the base Loss - two RLSs together
(PPSS Amount) - 2 PRSPs together

Head (1 piece)
2 VP light green thread
1 r - 6 RLS to the second loop from the hook - (6) 2 p - (R) 6 times - (12)
3 r - (1 sc, appr.) 6 times - (18)
4 р - (2 СБН, Приб.) 6 times - (24)
5 r - (3 sc, appr.) 6 times - (30)
6 r - (4 sc, appr.) 6 times - (36)
7 r - (5 sc, appr.) 6 times - (42)
8 r - (6 sc, appr.) 6 times - (48)
9 r - RLS in a circle - (48)
10 r - (7 sc, appr.) 6 times - (54)
11-30 r - RLS in a circle - (54)
31 r - (7 СБН, Убавка) 6 times - (48) 32-34 r - RLS in a circle - (48)
35 р - (6 СБН, Убавка) 6 times - (42) 36-37 р - RLS in a circle - (42)
38 р - change the thread to green (5 СБН, Убавка) 6 times - (36) 39 р - for the back half-loops of RLS in a circle
- (36)
40 r - (4 RLS, Decrease) 6 times - (30) 41 r - RLS in a circle - (30)
42 р - (3 СБН, Убавка) 6 times - (24)
43 r - (2 RLS, Decrease) 6 times - (18)
44 р - (1 СБН, Убавка) 6 times - (12)
45 r - (Decrease) 6 times - (6)
We do not cut the thread, we continue to knit the tail on the cap.
13 VP, starting from the second loop from the hook (1 RLS, 3 RR) repeat three times. Secure the SS thread to
the original loop. Cut the thread.

We knit with straight rows on the front half-loops of the 39th row.
1 р - to attach a thread of green color 9 СБН, 1 ВП, turn - (9) 2 р - Decrease, 5 СБН, Decrease, 1 ВП,
turn - (7)
3 r - Decrease, 3 RLS, Decrease, 1 VP, turn - (5)
4 р - Decrease, 1 СБН, Decrease, 1 ВП, turn - (3)
5 р - Decrease, 1 СБН, 1 ВП, turn - (2)
6 p - Decrease - (1). Secure and cut the thread. We formed a petal. We repeat 1-6 rows still
3 times. On the last petal, the thread is not cut. We bind the edges of all 4 RLS petals (in each
the upper 3 of the RLS). Thread and clip.

Nose (1 piece)
We fill before sewing.
2 VP light green thread
1 r - 6 RLS to the second loop from the hook - (6) 2 p - (R) 6 times - (12)
3 r - (1 sc, appr.) 6 times - (18)
4 р - (2 СБН, Приб.) 6 times - (24)
5-6 r - RLS in a circle - (24) Secure the thread, leaving the tip for sewing. nose between 12 and 21
near the head.

Chips (2 items)
We fill before sewing.
8 VP light green thread
1p - starting from the second loop from the hook 6 СБН, 3 СБН to the last loop, on the second side 5 СБН, 2
RLS in the last loop - (16)
2 r - apprx., 5 sc, (apprx) 3 times, 5 sc, (apprx) 2 times - (22)
3 r - (1 sc, apprx), 5 sc, 1 sc, 3 arrives, 5 sc, 1 sc, 2 arrivals, 2 times - (28)
4 r - RLS in a circle - (28) Secure the thread, leaving the tip for sewing. Sew our cheeks from two
sides from the nose, between 8-19 rows.

 Eyes (2 items)
6 VP thread of black color
1p - starting from the second loop from the hook 4 of the RLS, 3 RLS to the last loop, on the second side 4 RNS-
(11) Secure the thread, leaving the tip for sewing.
Sew on the nose with a distance of 1 sc. To embroider glare. Embroider eyebrows.

 Body (1 piece)
We fill with the measure of knitting.
13 VP by a thread of black color
1p - beginning with the second loop from the hook 11 of the RLS, 3 RLS to the last loop, along the second side of 10 RLS,
2 RLS in the last loop - (26)
2 r - Prib., 10 sc, (prib.) 3 times, 10 sc, (apprx) 2 times - (32)
3 r - (1 sc, apprx), 10 sc, 1 sc, 3 arrives, 10 sc, 1 sc, 2 arrivals, 2 times - (38)
4 R - (2 RLS, APR), 3 RLS, Rx, 2 RLS, Rx, 3 RLS, (2 RLS, Rx) 3 times, 10 RLS,
(2 sc, appr.) 2 times - (46) (note the back)
5 r - (3 sc, apprx), 12 sc, 3 sc, 3 sc, 3 sc, 3 sc, 2 sc, 2 times - (52)
6-8 r - RLS in a circle - (52)
9 r - change the thread to the white RLS in a circle - (52) 10 r - behind the back half-loops of RLS in a circle - (52) 11-12
p - RLS in a circle - (52)
13 r - 6 RLS, Decrease, 3 RLS, Decrease, 3 RLS, Decrease, 34 RTS - (49) 14-15 r - RTS in a circle - (49)
16 r - 34 RLS, Decrease, 13 RTS - (48)
17 r - RLS in a circle - (48)
18 R - 5 RLS, Ubavka, 8 RLS, Decrease, 12 RLS, Decrease, 10 RLS, Decline, 12 RTS - (44) 19-20 r - RTS for
circle - (44)
21 r - 8 RLS, Ubavka, 9 RLS, Decrease, 10 RLS, Decline, 11 RLS - (41) 22-27 r - RLS in a circle - (41)
28 R - 4 RN, Ubavka, (8 RLS, Loss) 3 times, 5 RLS - (37) 29-31 r - RLS in a circle - (37)
32 R - 5 RLS, Ubavka, 9 RLS, Decrease, 4 RLS, Decrease, 10 RLS, Decline, 1 RNF- (33) 33-36 r - RTS for
circle - (33)
37 r - (Decrease) 2 times, 4 RLS, Decrease, 4 RLS, (Decrease) 3 times, 4 RLS, Decrease, 5 RLS,
Decrease - (25)
38 р - (2 СБН, Убавка) 6 times, 1 СБН - (19)
39 r - (1 RLS, Decrease) 6 times, 1 RTS - (13)
) 6 times, 1 RLS, pull off the hole. Thread and clip.

Rotate the body so that the first row is pointing upward, attach the white thread to the 10th row,
1 r - for the front half loops (9 sc, addition) 9 times, 2 sc - (57)
2 r - RLS in a circle - (57). Finish the work, cut, fasten and hide the end of the thread.
Hands (2 items)
If you want your hands to bend, insert the wire frame after attaching
of the thumb. We fill with the measure of knitting.
Thumb (1 piece for each hand)
2 VP of skin color.
1 r - 6 RLS in the second loop from the hook - (6)
2-4 r - RLS in a circle - (6). Finish the work, cut, fasten and hide the end of the thread.
Finger first and second (2 pieces for each hand)
2 VP of skin color.
1 r - 6 RLS in the second loop from the hook - (6)
2-5 r - RLS in a circle - (6). Finish the work, cut, fasten and hide the end of the thread.
Third finger (1 piece for each hand)
2 VP of skin color.
1 r - 6 RLS in the second loop from the hook - (6)
2-4 r - RLS in a circle - (6). We do not cut the thread, we continue knitting our palms.
a flesh-colored thread.
1 r - 5 RLS on the third finger (the one where the thread is not cut off), 3 RLS for the second finger, 5 RLS for the first finger, 3 RLS for the second finger - (16) (for the first and third finger we only knit 5 loops, t .e one skip or do a reduction).
2-3 r - RLS in a circle - (16)
4 r - for the left hand 4 RLS, attach the thumb - we tie it 5 RNS (1 RLS finger pass), in the palm of 12 RNS- (21)
5 r - for the right hand 8 RLS, we attach the thumb - we tie it 5 RLS, (1 RLS finger pass), in the palm of 8 RLS - (21)
6 r - 1 RLS, Decrease, 5 RLS, Decrease, 4 RLS, Decrease, 5 RTS - (18)
7 r - 1 RLS, Decrease, 4 RLS, Decrease, 3 RLS, Decrease, 4 RTS - (15)
8 R - 1 RLS, Decrease, 3 RLS, Decrease, 2 RLS, Decrease, 3 RTS - (12)
9 r - RLS in a circle - (12)
10 р - (2 СБН, Убавка) 3 times - (9)
11 r - RLS in a circle - (9)
12 p - change the thread to white (Rx) 9 times - (18)
13 r - RLS in a circle - (18)
14 r - for the back half-loops of RLS in a circle - (18)
15- 29 r - RLS in a circle - (18)
30 р - (1 СБН, Убавка) 6 times - (12)
31 r - (Decrease) 6 times - (6)
Secure the thread, leaving the tip for sewing.
Turn your hand with your palm upward, attach the white thread to the 14th row,
1-4 r - RLS in a circle - (18)
Finish the work, cut, fasten and hide the end of the thread.

Scarf (1 piece)
8 VP by a thread of black color, knit in straight rows
1-2 r - 7 RLS - (7)
3 R - 3 RLS, Decrease, 2 RLS - (6)
4- 5 p-6 RLS - (6)
6 R - 2 RLS, Decrease, 2 RLS - (5)
7 - 8 R - 5 RLS - (5)
9 R - 1 RLS, Decrease, 2 RLS - (4)
10 R - 4 RLS - (4)
11 р - 30 ВП, from the second loop from the hook in the reverse direction 29 СБН, 4 СБН in the RLS 10 rows.
Secure the thread, leaving the tip for sewing.
Note that in the 11th row the number of VIs may be different. The length of this part should
enough, "tie" around the neck. (see photo)

 Legs (2 items)
We fill with the measure of knitting. In shoes you can put a weighting agent for stability.
9 VP of brown thread
1p - starting from the second loop from the hook 7 of the RLS, 3 RLS to the last loop, along the second side 6 RLS, 2
RLS in the last loop - (18)
2 r - apprx., 6 sc, (arr.) 3 times, 6 sc, (appr.) 2 times - (24)
3 r - (1 sc, ap.), 6 sc, 1 sc, 3 arrives, 6 sc, 1 sc, 2 times,
4 r - for the back half-loops of RLS in a circle - (30) 5-6 r-RNS in a circle - (30)
7 r - 9 RLS, (PSSN) 5 times, 11 RLS - (25)
8 R - 3 RLS, Loss, 2 RLS, (Decrease) 5 times, 2 RLS, Decrease, 4 RTS - (18)

2 VP is a thread of black color.
1 r - 6 RLS to the second loop from the hook - (6) 2 p - (R) 6 times - (12)
3 r - (1 sc, appr.) 6 times - (18)
4 r - for the back half-loops of RLS in a circle - (18) 5 r - RLS in a circle - (18)
6 r - 5 sc, (prib) 3 times, 4 sc, (decrease) 3 times - (18) 7 r - sc in the circle - (18)
8 р - Убавка, 5 СБН, (Приб) 3 times, 4 СБН, (Decrease) 2 times - (18) 9 р - RLS in a circle - (18)
10 r - (Decrease) 2 times, 4 sc, (prib) 3 times, 5 sc, decrease - (18)
11 r - (Arr.) 2 times, 4 RLS, (Decrease) 3 times, 5 RLS, Addition - (18)
12 r - 7 RLS, 6 RNS, 5 RLS - (18)
13 r - RLS in a circle - (18)
14 r - (Arr.) 2 times, 5 RLS, (Decrease) 3 times, 4 RLS, Addition - (18)
12 r - 8 RLS, 6 RNS, 4 RLS - (18)
13 r - RLS in a circle - (18). Secure the thread, leave the tip for sewing. Sew the shoes to
front half loops 4 rows of legs.
to the body between the 1 st and 7 th rows of the anterior part of the body.

Apron (1 piece)
We knit in straight rows.
21 VP of brown thread
1-8 r - 20 sc, 1 cc, rotation - (20)
9 R - 1 RLS, Decrease, 14 RLS, Decrease, 1 RLS, 1 T, rotation - (18)
10 r - 18 sc, 1 st, turn - (18)
11 r - 18 sc, 33 cp, starting from the second loop from the 32 RLS hook in the opposite direction (we form
the outfit of the apron)
12 r - 18 sc, 33 cp, starting from the second loop from the scheron 32 RLS in the opposite direction (we form the second
the outfit of the apron)
13 r - 18 RLS, 1 VP, rotation - (18)
14 r - 1 RLS, Decrease, 12 RLS, Decrease, 1 RTS, 1 T, rotation - (16)
15 р - 16 СБН, 1 ВП, turn - (16)
16 R - 1 RLS, Decrease, 10 RLS, Decrease, 1 RLS, 1 T, rotation - (14)
17 r - 14 sc, 1 st, turn - (14)
18 r - 4 sc, 1 cc, turn - (4)
19 р - Decrease, 2 СбН, 1 ВП, turn - (3)
20 р - 3 СБН, 1 ВП, turn - (3)
21 р - Decrease, 1 СБН, 1 ВП, turn - (2)
22 r - 2 sc, 1 cc, turn - (2)
23 r - Decrease - (1). Secure the thread. Point 1.
Attach the thread to the free edge of row 17, and repeat the 18-23 series. The thread is not cut off, we tie
RLS internal part of the apron. Having tied to point 1, we knit a chain of 42 VPs starting from the second loop from
hook knit in the reverse direction 41 sc. Secure the thread.

Sew the head to the body so that the last row of the body is at level 12 of the head row. (see photo).
Sew hands at the 30th row of the body
Dress the apron. We tie the knot on the back at the level of 10-12 rows of the body. A long detail in
The top of the apron is thrown over the neck and sewed to the second corner.

Schema Author : kolobok136
Source :

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