
Amigurumi Free Patttern

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Upper paws 
1) 2 bp, in the 2 nd from the hook hp 6 sbn 
2) 6pr. = 12 
3-14) 12 
15) 4sbn, ub, sb, yb = 10 
16-21) 10 

1) 2 sts, in the 2nd from the hook of the st. 6 sbn 
2) 6pp = 12 
3) (1sb, pr) * 6 times = 18 
4) 18 
5) (1sbn, уб.) * 6 times = 12 

The body 
(we knit from the bottom upwards) 

1) 2 v. , in the 2 nd from the hook. 8 sbn 
2) 8 pr = 16 
3-9 rows = 16 
We knit 2 parts (lower paws), then join.

In the original, when the connection is 31 sb, between the bottom paws is a hole that you need to sew ... that I do not really like. In my version, we get 32 ​​sb. How exactly do I show later in the photo. The scheme has not changed much, then the scheme for MK 
10) connects the details as follows: 7 sb. 1 second, 16 sb on the 2nd and 9 on the 1st 
11-19) 32 
20) (6 sb, ub.) * 4 times = 28 
21) 28 
22) (2 stb, yb) * 7 times = 21 
23) 21 
24) (1stb, уб) * 7 раз = 14 
25,26) 14 

In the original: 
10) we connect the details: 7 сбн. on the 1st foot, on the 15th roll on the 2nd and on the 9th on the 1st 
11-19) 31 
20) (3 sb, уб.) * 6 times, 1сбн = 25 
21) 25 
22) (2тб, уб) * 6 times, 1sbn = 19 
23) 19
24) (1stb, уб) * 6 times, 1сбн = 13 
25,26) 13 

Knit from the 20th column in the reverse order 
1-12) 54 bp, 54sbn in the chain from the bp. 
13) (6sbn, yb) * 6 times = 48 
14) 48 
15) (5sbn, yb) * 6 times = 42 
16) 42 
17) (4cb, yb) * 7 times = 35 
18) (3sb, yb) * 7 times = 28 
19) (2сбн, уб) * 7 times = 21 
20) (1сбн, уб) * 7 times = 14 
21) 7уб = 7 The 

ears are 
1) 2 centimeters, in the 2 nd from the hook in. P. 6bn 
2) 6pp = 12 
3) (1sbn, pr) * 6 = 18 
4) (2sbn, pr) * 6 = 24 
5-7) 24 
8) (2sb, yb) * 6 = 18 
9-11 ) 18 
12) (1сбн, уб) * 6 = 12 
13-23) 12 

1) 2 vp, in the 2nd from the hook of the vp. 7sbn
2) 7p = 14 
3) (1sbn, pr) * 7 = 21 
4.5) 21 
6) (1sb, yb.) * 7 = 14 

Patch on the eye 
We knit along the circle 
5v.p. starting from the 2- th c.p. from the hook we sew 4 сбн, 
3в.п. lifting, 3 st / n in the 5th st. chains, 1 st / n in 4, 3v.p. chains, 5st / n in the 2nd vp, 
1 stb per base of the next three sb, 2st / n into the base of the 4th cb, 
then 2bn to the base of each st / n


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