
Amigurumi Frog Free Pattern

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

For work:
Iris: white, green, yellow
Hook (I have for iris Clover 1.25. Pick up the hook to the thickness of your chosen yarn)
Wire for Frame


1. Ring of Amaguumi-6 p
2. * 6 times-12 p
3. RSB, Prib. * 6 times-18 p
4.2 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-24 p
5.3 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-30 p
6.4 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-36 n
7.5 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-42 n
8.6 RSB, Prib. * 6 times-48 n
9.-16 rows of the SBN-48 p

Insert a wire for the upper paws approximately in this row

17.6 SBN, Ubav. * 6 times-42 n
18. Rne-42 p
19.5 SBN, Ubav. * 6 times-36 n
20. Rne-36 p
21. Rne-36 p
22.4 SBN, Ubav. * 6 times-30 p
23. Rne-30 p
24.3 SBN, Ubav. * 6 times-24 p
25.2 SBN, Ubav. * 6 times-18 p
26. RVN, Ubav. * 6 times-12 p
27. Ubav. * 6 times-6 p
Close the hinges.
When knitting, insert the wire for the upper and lower legs and fill the filler.

Belly (Yellow thread)

1. Ring of Amaguumi-6 p
2. * 6 times-12 p
3. RSB, Prib. * 6 times-18 p
4.2 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-24 p
5.3 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-30 p
6.4 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-36 n
7.5 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-42 n
8.6 RSB, Prib. * 6 times-48 n
9.7 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-54, 5 p
10. Rne-54 p

Two part eyes

Inner Eye. White thread

1. Ring of Amaguumi-6 p
2. * 6 times-12 p
3. RSB, Prib. * 6 times-18 p
4.2 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-24 p
5.2 SBN, Ubav. * 6 times-18 p
6. RVN, Ubav. * 6 times-12 p
7. Ubav. * 6 times-6 p
Fill the filler as it closes.

Outer Eye. Green thread

1. Ring of Amaguumi-6 p
2. * 6 times-12 p
3. RSB, Prib. * 6 times-18 p
4.2 SBN, Prib. * 6 times-24 p
5. Rne-24 p
6.10 SBN, Ubav., 10 SBN, Ubav. -22 p.
Close. Insert a white part in green. Sew on the edge. Embroider black pupils.

Top 2 Legs Parts

The long part: to dial 6 loops, to close in a circle and to knit on 16 rows.


1. Ring of Amaguumi-4 p
2. * 4 times-8 p
3. RSB, Prib. * 4 times-12 p
4.2 SBN, 4 x 16 n
5. Rne-16 p
6. Rne-16 p
7. Co-ed. Column, PRSs, 4 times-16 p.

Lower Legs 2 Parts

The long part: to dial 6 loops, to close in a circle and to knit SBN 35 series.


1. Ring of Amaguumi-4 p
2. * 4 times-8 p
3. RSB, Prib. * 4 times-12 p
4.2 SBN, 4 x 16 n
5.3 SBN, 4 times-20 p
6. Rne-20 p
7. Rne-20 p
8. Rne-20 p
9. Rne-20 p
10. Rne-20 p11. Co-ed. A pillar, a half-column with a scale, a PRSs, a half-column with a scale, a co-ed. Column * 4
Times-20 p

We plan the positions of the eyes. Next, attach the tummy. The tummy is not
Completely, from above leave a third unsewn for twisting lips.

Sew eyes, if necessary, then shift relative to the tummy, embroider on
The pupil with a black thread (cross or at its discretion).

The paws are nailed. I'll describe the top example. On the wire the long part is planted
Paws, stick a wire in a flippers, in nutri fins bend a wire a triangle (on a contour
Fins), and the end is pulled back, fastened with tape or duct tape. Sew up the flippers.
We attach long legs to the torso and to the flippers.


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