
Jumper of lace motifs crochet free pattern

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SIZE 38/40 

Cariba yarn (50% viscose, 50% polyacryl; about 100 m / 50 g) - 250 g red; 
Limone yarn (100% cotton; about 125 m / 50 g) - 250 g red; circular needles number 3.5-4; hook №3,5 


Facial rows - facial loops, purl rows - purl loops. 

According to the table, tie up the needles in an appropriate amount of 6 separate parts according to scheme 1. 

Connect the sleeves (item 7) according to scheme 2. 

35 flowers should be connected according to the scheme for a flower. 

The number of loops is a multiple of 3. Knit under the scheme 1. Do not knit edging! Always start with loops before rapport, repeat rapport, end with loops after rapport. 

Start from the purlline on the left (R) after the initial row (it is not counted). 

Tie 1–4th rows once, repeat 5–8th rows, always finish with 9th and 10th rows. 

Knit according to the scheme 2 

Link 35 motifs for the scheme for flowers. 


On all parts connected with knitting needles, mark the holes along the perimeter at equal intervals. The holes of the edge parts are always parallel. For one crocheted connecting seam, which falls on a solid piece, you need 1 hole. Knit on the right and left side in two steps. 

1st step: prepare the edges. Tie a new thread to the corner hole of one part, make 1 tbsp into this hole. b / n, 1 ce, 1 tbsp. b / n and 1 ce = one group, with 2nd ce serves to go to the next hole and is called the bridge from the ce 

Tie all the following holes and the 2nd corner hole of the edge in one group. In the corner hole always carry two groups (= one group for each side).

2nd step: prepare the edges and connect. Two parts can be joined only when the edge of the first part is prepared and the edge of the second part is not crocheted. When two edges join, the second edge is machined and a “seam” is made between the two parts during the working step (= prepare and join). 

To do this, after preparing one part for the last corner ce put the second part on the prepared one and execute 1 group in the first hole of the second part. 

Then * 1 added art. b / n to perform for the corresponding bridge from the ce. first detail. 

To go around the next hole of the 2nd part using 1 group *, between * constantly repeat. 

After the last corner vp Finish the 2nd part with the help of 1 st. b / n for angular ce first detail.


If you put four parts next to each other, you get a cross-shaped connection. 

When connecting to perform one after another added Art. s / n to the part to be connected, and then to the next part, which specifies the change of direction. 


If three parts are connected, a T-joint is obtained. Since in this case a connecting seam with a hook is also necessary, then when transferring the joint, perform one added st. b / n to the connection and then to the adjacent part. 


To avoid burdensome fastening of the ends of the threads of individual parts, grab the ends of the threads when tying the parts with a hook. To do this, when performing the first loop, lay the thread back, and when performing ce. back again ahead. 

Repeat the procedure until the thread is firmly in the loops, cut off the excess thread briefly. 

Work according to the crochet technique of separately knitted blocks and crochet patterns. To avoid, if possible, cutting the working thread, follow the direction of work in the diagrams. 

17 p. X 23 p. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with Cariba yarn; 
7 x 7 cm = 1 crocheted flower (Limone yarn). 

The dimensions take into account the width of crocheted connections of parts.

Flower 1 has two edges, i.e. three arches vp always tie one flower edge in two groups (twice 1 st. b / n, 1 bp, 1 b / n, 1 bp), turn the work. 

The connected part should be put on the flower 1 and the first edge of the part 1 should be connected using the added art. b / n with flower 1. 

Prepare 2 edges of part 1. 

Flower 2 to put on part 1 and connect with third edge of part 1. 

Prepare two edges of flower 2 and connect with flower 3. 

Prepare two sides of flower 3. Flower 3 connect with narrow side details 2 and the longitudinal side. 

Prepare item 2 to B.

Connect the first part of the sleeve 7 in 10 holes from B to C with detail 2 and one loop of the base of the flower 3 (hook seam = 1 hole). 

Next, prepare two edges of part 7 from C through D to E. Between E – D, connect flower 4 
with detail 7. 

Prepare three edges of flower 4 to E. 

Next, prepare the section from E through B / F to G. 

Save this principle of operation. 

Follow the direction of work and connect all the details and flowers. 

Run side seams. 

For the bottom edge, finish the preparation and tie up the edge in "shrimp step" (carry out station b / n in the direction from left to right). 

On the prepared row:

1st row: 2 ce, 1 tbsp. s / n, 1 ce, * 1 tbsp. s / n, 1 ce *, between * constantly repeat. Finish 1 link Art. 

2nd row: knit in "stride step" (st. B / n from left to right). 

On the prepared row: 

1st row: 1 ce, 1 tbsp. b / n, 1 ce, * 1 tbsp. b / n, 1 ce *, between * constantly repeat. Finish 1 link Art. 

2nd row: knit the knots in "craw-like steps" (from left to right): * 1 nakid, grab the thread for ce before the first group, form a loop of approx. 1.5 cm. Repeat 4 times. New nakid pull through all 10 loops. Close with 1 vp 

Put the nodules to the right and, after the first group, perform 1 loop of the “rache step” (station b / n 
in the direction from left to right) *. Between * constantly repeat.

Carefully steam the edges of the pullover, keeping the iron at some distance from the product. 

If necessary, use ironing.

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