Click For Crochet Abbreviations List
36/38 (42/44) 46/48
You will need to
Yarn (100% Wool; 125 m/50 g)-650 (700) 750 g red; Spokes № 3.5 and 4.5; Circular Spokes № 3.5; Hosiery Spokes № 3.5 and 4.5; Auxiliary knitting needles.
Patterns and diagrams
Purl surface
Knitting rows in the forward and reverse direction: Facial Rows-purls loops, purls rows-facial loops.
Circular series: Only Purls loops.
Dress binding
Facial and Purls rows-facial loops.
"Braid" (2 p.)
Persons. Row/1st circular row: 2 p. to the Left (= 2 p. To get the 1st P. Crossed and without dropping the loop, 1-st P. Projazat Front, then both loops with the spokes to reset);
IPMs. Series/2nd Circular series: Loops purl.
In Height repeat persons. and N. Series/1st and 2nd Circular series.
"Kosa" 1 (6 p.)
1st row/Circular row: 6 p. Touch the front.
2-6th Series/Circular series: Tie loops on the drawing.
7th Row/Circular row: 6 p. to cross to the right (= 3 p. Leave on the open. The spokes at work, the following 3 p. Projazat Facial, then to touch the face 3 p. With the vom. Spokes).
8-10th Series/Circular series: Tie loops on the figure. In height Repeat from the 1st to the 10th Row/circular series.
"Kosa" 2 (6 p.)
1st row/Circular row: 6 p. Touch the front.
2-6th Series/Circular series: Tie loops on the drawing.
7th Row/Circular row: 6 p. To cross to the Left (= 3 p. Leave on the open. Spokes before work, the following 3 p. To tie the facial, then to touch the face 3 p. With the vom. Spokes).
8-10th Series/Circular series: Tie loops on the figure.
In height Repeat from the 1st to the 10th Row/circular series.
Braid 1 Pattern
Number of Loops multiple 4: Chrome, * 2 p. N. Gladi, "Braid" on 2 p., from * repeating, to finish 2 p. N. Glum, Chrome.
Braid 2 Pattern
Number of Loops multiple 6 + 2 p.: * "Braid" on 2 p., 4 p. izn. The verb, from * repeating, to finish "a braid" on 2 p.
Sequence of Patterns 1
Number of Loops multiple 24 + 20 (12) 22 p.: Krom., 0 (2) 1 p. izn. Gladi, 0 (6) 0 p. "Spit" 2, * 2 p. N. Gladi, "Braid" on 2 p., 2 p. izn. Gladi, 6 p. "Spit" 1, 2 p. izn. Gladi, "Braid" on 2 p., 2 p. izn. Gladi, 6 p. "Spit" 2, from * repeating, finish 2 p. N. Gladi, "Braid" on 2 p., 2 p. izn. Gladi, 6 p. "Spit" 1, 2 p. izn. Gladi, "Braid" on 2 p., 2 (2) 3 p. izn. Gladi, 0 (6) 0 p. "Spit" 2, 0 (2) 0 p. N. Glum, Chrome.
Sequence of Patterns 2
Number of Loops multiple 12: * 2 p. N. Gladi, "Braid" on 2 p., 2 p. izn. Gladi, 6 p. "Spit" 1, from * repeating.
Density of Knitting
24 p. x 27 R. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by patterns in the sequence of 1 or 2 spokes № 4.5.
Doing the work
On the spokes № 3.5 to dial 116 (132) 142 p. And, starting with the IZN. Row, knit for the bottom strap 5 cm pattern of "braid" 1, while for the differences. 46/48 after/before Chrome. Series of starting/finishing 3 p. N. Surface.
Go to the Spokes № 4.5 and continue knitting patterns in sequence 1.
Through 42 cm from the bottom strap to start knitting yoke patterns in sequence 2, with the average 2 p. Wide "braid" to perform "braids", the original "braids" continue, on the intermediate loops knit reverse smooth.
At the Same time with the beginning of the yoke to close on both sides to form the armholes first to 5 p., then in each 2nd p. 1 more times 3 p., 1 (2) 2 times 2 p. and 3 (3) 4 times 1 P. = On the Spokes 90 (102) 110 p.
After 18 (20) 22 cm from the beginning of the armhole all loops close in one row (on 22 (25) 29 p. On each side form the shoulder edges, the average 46 (52) 52 p.-The straight edge of the neck).
Knit like a backrest, but with a round neck. To do this, after 13 (15) 17 cm from the beginning of the Armi close the average 24 (28) 28 p. And both sides to finish separately.
For rounding of a neck to close from an internal edge in each 2nd P. 1 times 4 (5) 5 p., 1 times 3 p., 1 times 2 p. and 2 times on 1 p. The Remaining 22 (25) 29 p. Of the shoulder to close at the same height as on the backrest.
The Second side to finish symmetrically first.
On the spokes № 3.5 to dial 54 (60) 60 p. And, starting with the IZN. Series, knit for a strap of 5 cm pattern for "braid" 1, while for the differences. 36/38 after/before Chrome. Series of starting/finishing 1 P. N. Surface.
Go to the Spokes № 4.5 and continue knitting patterns in sequence 1, with the following chrome. 0 (1) 1 times last 2 p. "Spit" 2, execute 1 (2) 2 p. N. Gladi, 2 p. "Braids" and 2 p. izn. Gladi, Finish 1 (2) 2 p. N. Gladi, 0 (1) 1 times the first 2 p. "Braids" 1 and chrome. The loops between the initial and trailing fragments are knit according to the sequence of patterns 1.
For Skosov, starting from a lath, to add on both parties 5 times in each 8th p. and 10 times in each 6th p. (17 times in each 6th р.) 7 times in each 6th p. and 15 times in each 4th p. on 1 P. = On Spokes 84 (94) 104 p. Added loops consistently include in the patterns of sleeves.
Through 39 cm from the lath continue to work with patterns in sequence 2, with the average 2 p. Wide "braid" to perform "braids", the original "braids" continue, on the intermediate loops knit reverse stitch.
Simultaneously with the beginning of knitting of patterns in sequence 2 to close on both sides for formation Okata first on 5 p., then in each 2nd p. 1 more times on 3 p., 1 (2) 2 times on 2 p., 16 (14) 12 times on 1 p., 1 (3) 6 times on 2 p. , 1 times on 3 p., 1 times on 4 p. and the remaining 14 (16) 18 p. In one row.
The Knitted parts are stretched to the size, humidify and leave to dry. Perform side seams, sleeves and shoulder seams.
On Circular Spokes № 3.5 to dial on the edge of the neck 96 (104) 104 p. And, starting with the IZN. Series, knit hood, distributing loops patterns as follows: Chrome, 2 P. Platelki, 2 p. izn. Gladi, 2 p. "Braids", 2 p. izn. Gladi, 6 p. "Spit" 1, 66 (74) 74 p. Izn. Gladi, 6 p. "Spit" 2, 2 p. izn. Gladi, 2 p. "Braids", 2 p. izn. Gladi, 2 p. Platelki, Chrome. Through 35 cm Loops close the figure in one row.
Perform the upper seam of the hood. Sew sleeves.