
Flower Button Cardigan Pattern

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Dimensions: At age 2 (4) and 6 (8) years. 
You will need for the jacket: yarn (60% alpaca wool, 30% merino wool, 10% silk, 167 m/50 g) — 2 (2) 3 (4) Motka dark Pink, 1 (1) 2 (3) Motka Pink, 1 (1) 2 (2) Motka light-Pink, 1 (1) 1 (1) motku light blue and light-green; Spokes № 2.5 and № 3; Hosiery Spokes № 2.5; Hook № 2; 3 buttons with a diameter of 15 mm. 
Width of the jacket on the grasp of the breast: 60 (66) 72 (78) cm + width of the buckle. Length of Jacket: 34 (38) 42 (46) cm. 
The Density of Knitting: 26 p. x 34 P. = 10 x 10 cm, connected persons. № 3. To the density of knitted cloth is not different from the preset, link the sample: Dial the Spokes 38 p. and perform 14 cm faces. Surface. Measure The sample density on average 10 cm. If the number of loops is more than 26, change the spokes to thicker, if less-to thinner. If only one number is shown in the description of the jacket, it applies to all sizes. 
Ubavka 1 P.: 2 p. projazit together with a slope to the left = 1-st P. Take off, as at faces. Knitting (thread for loop), the next p. Projazit front and stretch through it removed p. 
Backrest and shelves: Start knitting with a single cloth. On Spokes № 3 to dial a dark pink thread 172 (188) 204 (220) p. and Projazat 1 p. (= Izn. R.) Trace. Way: Chulochnymi Spokes № 2.5 knit on the first 8 p. Rubber Band (alternately 1 and 1 persons.) Strap buckle, then spokes № 3 purl, until the left spokes will not remain 8 p., which again knit Chulochnymi spokes № 2.5 Rubber Band (alternately 1 persons., 1.) The strap of the buckle. Continue to knit on the external 8 p. On each side of the rubber band Chulochnymi Spokes № 2.5 to the end of the detail, and on the internal loops of faces. № 3. After 11 (12) 13 (14) cm from the initial row to execute the strips. Start with the faces. Hand: Perform 2 p. Persons. Smooth pink thread, then 2 p. projazit purl light pink thread and 2 p. Persons. With a dark pink thread. Continue knitting faces. Smooth yarn of light pink color. After 18 (22) 25 (28) cm from the initial row, run the strips and simultaneously divide the whole piece into the backrest and the shelves. For bands with faces. Hand to touch 2 p. Facial Pink Thread, 2 p. Persons. The smooth dark pink thread and 2 p. Facial light pink thread, then knit to the end of the details of persons. With a smooth pink thread.

The Whole piece is divided into a back and a shelf footprint. Manner: with persons. Side of the handle 45 (49) 53 (57) P. Right shelf, make a mark and loops leave on the open. Spokes, Projazat 82 (90) 98 (106) p. Backrest, make a mark and the remaining 45 (49) 53 (57) p. Left shelves leave on the open. Spoke. 
The back of the jacket: on the back mark the beginning of armholes. For Armholes Close at the beginning of each trace. Number of 1 times 4 p., 1 times 3 p. and 1 times 2 p. Continue to kill people. Side in each p. Trace. Way: For the right Armi knit 1 persons., 2 p. To hang together persons. With a tilt to the left; A number of Projazit to the last 3 p. and to perform a Kill for the left Armhole: 2 p. Projazat together persons. Crossed, finish 1 persons. To repeat, until the spokes will remain 56 (62) 66 (72) p. At the Same time through 13 (14) 15 (16) cm from the beginning of the armhole close to the neck of the Middle 20 (22) 24 (26) p. and both sides to finish separately. At the beginning of each trace. Of the series to close from the inner edge for rounding cut 1 times 3 p. and 1 time 2 p. Simultaneously Close from the outer edge at the beginning of each row of 4, 4, 5 (5, 5, 5) 5, 5, 6 (6, 6, 6) p. for shoulder bevel. 
Right Shelf: Take off the armbands and shoulder bevel as on the backrest. At the Same time, when to the shoulder edge of the shelf will be tied 8 (8) 9 (9) cm (measured on the back to the last closed loop of the shoulder bevel), close from the inner edge for rounding the cut of the loop: 8 p. Details to put on the hook and close at the beginning of each p. 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 (3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1) 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1) p. When the part reaches the first lower shoulder bevel on the backrest of the shoulder bevel on the shelf perform similarly. The Left shelf of the jacket: knit as the right shelf, but in the mirror display. 
Sleeves: The sleeve to the armholes must be the same length as the backrest and shelves. Colored and embossed stripes on the sleeve to perform, as on the back and shelves. On Spokes № 3 to dial a dark pink thread 45 (49) 53 (57) p. Through 6 (6) 8 (8) SM from the initial row to add on both parties on 1 p. (on 1 scale after/before Kromokno). These additions are repeated in each 6th P., until on the spokes there will be 57 (63) 69 (75) p. When the drawing on the sleeve will be knitted to the armhole of the backrest/shelf, start to kill for the Okata. To do this, at the beginning of each p. Close on both sides 1 times 4 p. and 1 times 2 p. Then continue to reduce as described for the backrest: 3 times reduce the loops in each 4th p., then in each 2nd P., until the spokes will not remain 23 (25) 27 (29) p. Then close with Both sides at the beginning of each p. 2, 2 and 3 p., and then the remaining loops. 
Assembly of a jacket for a girl, knitting needles: to carry out shoulder seams and seams of sleeves. Sew Sleeves: First combine the strips, then sew the okats sleeves, if possible without the formation of the folds. 
The neck: from the faces. Side of the product dial on the spokes № 2.5 pink thread evenly loops (the number of PV must be odd). To Start from the edge of a strap of a right shelf, to finish a lath a fastening of the left shelf: on direct sections of shelves to Vyvtie on 1 p. From each closed loop/each row, on sites curves on 2 p., on the edge of a neck of a backrest on 1 p. From each closed loop and 2-3 on the plots of curves. The Bale is knit with an elastic band, distributing loops of a pattern so that the drawing of a badge coincided with a picture of a rubber band of a buckle. Perform 3 R. Rubber Band and the loop of the Beka close. 
Embroidery: Embroidery To perform light-green and light blue Thread seam "loop in the attachment" (see the photo), the location of the motives arbitrary. (See here: How to embroider the "loop in the Attachment").

Roses: Knit crochet № 2 strands of three shades of pink. Tie the chain of the 5th and lock it into the ring. Art. Then Knit 1 VP and 10 art. b/n in the thread ring, finish the nozzle. Art. In 1st paragraph 1 row: 5 v. P., 1 P. Skip, the next to perform 1 P/s with the scale, * 3 v. P., 1 P. Skip, the next Run 1 P/s with the scale *. Repeat from * to *, Finish: 3 v. P. and 1 soed. Art. In the 2nd paragraph of the initial arch of the 5th paragraph of the 2nd row: Knit for arches of the 1st art. b/N, 1 p/s with scale, 3 art. S/N, 1 p/s with scale, 1 art. b/N, 1 co-ed. Art. In the upper hinge of the art. b/N of the previous row (with side). 3 row: Knit with reverse side on hinges 1st p. * 4 v. P., 1 art. b/N in the base loop of the 1st P., repeat from * to * = with the Side 6 arches of the 4th paragraph 4 row: 6 arches of 4 p. Tie: 1 art. b/N, 1 p/s with scale, 5 art. S/N, 1 p/s with scale, 1 art. b/N in art. b/N Stacey series of the previous row between the petals. 5 row: Knit as 3rd p. 6 row: The obtained arches from the P. Tie: 1 art. b/N, 1 p/s with scale, 7 art. S/N, 1 p/s with scale, 1 art. b/N in art. b/N of the previous row between the petals. Buckle up the buttons. On Top of the Buttons Sew knitted roses. 
Strapping of a jacket: edges of sleeves and the bottom edge of a product to tie a hook № 2. In 3 p. of the initial row of the product to associate 1 art. b/N, * in the following p. of the initial row to execute: 1 art. c/N, 1 pico (= 3 v. P., 1 soyed. Back to the 1st C. P.), 1 art. c/N, 1 pico, 1 art. c/N, 1 pico, 1 art. C/n *, repeat from * to * and finish: 1 art. b/N in each of the last 3 p. of the initial item and 1 coed. Art. The Neck of the jacket to tie similarly.


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