
Knitting Baby Booties Pack Pattern

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Knitting Booties

Booties are the baby's first shoes. In the period of waiting for a child, expectant mothers often knit themselves booties (or ask the Masters to tie children's shoes to order). But few people think that the choice of the right "convenient" booties for the baby must take into account several parameters.

I, like most moms, knitted booties for my daughter. A whole 11 pairs. Among them were high and low, and woolen and cotton, boots and shoes, with bows, buttons, beads and beads. But, I realized that from all this large assortment of booties were used, at best, only 3-4 pairs. I called them "successful"! If you want your booties to be successful, consider the following points:

1. Appointment of Pinetok

First, decide for what purpose you need booties. There are not many such goals:

A) booties "for every day". These booties are designed mainly for heat and serve as an analogue of home slippers. If you knit booties for every day, it is better to use warm threads and modestly decorate the product

b) "On the Way Out" booties. Such booties, as a rule, are used only several times: at discharge from a maternity hospital, at a hike in a polyclinic, for the first photo of a session of the child, for christening. Just be prepared for the fact that these booties will serve you for a short time.

2. Size of the

To avoid the situation when the summer falls winter size Pinetok, and for the winter-summer cotton booties-sandals, correctly calculate the size of the baby's shoes by seasons. Below is a table of approximate length of the foot of the child's leg by ages:

The table of correspondence of child's age and foot length (Gost 8541-94).

Age, Mo. Foot length, see
3-6 months 6-9 cm
6-12 months 9-10
1-1.5 years 11-12
1, 5-2 years 12-13
2-2.5 years 13-14
2, 5-3 years 14-15
3-4 years 15-16
4-5 years old 16-17
5-6 years old 17-18
6-7 years old 18-19

3. Composition.

Booties can be made of any thread, but it is advisable that the threads have a certificate of conformity and have been allowed for children. "Heat" booties are better to knit from children's threads (acrylic, for example, vvy and/or acrylic with wool, for example NAKO Bambino). You can use and 100% wool, but note that such booties "prickly" and they are better to wear tights (sliders or cotton socks). It is not recommended to knit booties from "shaggy" Thread of "mohair" type. Fibers of these threads can get to the child in a nose and a mouth and cause an allergy.

We dial 16 air loops. In the fourth loop from the hook Projazat 3 art. With the scum. Further knit according to the scheme 1. In the fourth row should turn 70 St. B. N. 

5 row put a half-column with a scale (P/St. C.): Make the scum and enter the hook under the bars. 

6 series of traditional art. B. Cut the thread. 

Fold the sole half and find the middle of the bow. Be affected should be equal to 5 columns. Tie the usual knot thread and tie 13 air loops, then half-column without a scale (PST. b. N.) attach to the opposite side of the spout (distance 5 art. B.) then knit on the diagram 2. 

In the last row you have attached 2 PST. B. N. to the sole. Next: 

1 row: 3 VP, attach them to the p. B. N To the Strap (skip 3rd. C.). Associate 34 St. S.N. And just attach a. b. N. to the strap. 

2 row: 1 VP and the whole range of art. B. N. = 35 St. B. N. 

3 row: Again 3 VP and 34 St. S. N. 4 v. P., 3 St. S. N. In the middle strap, 4 VP, fasten the PST. B. N. 

Further a number of arches for a tape: 5 V.P., Art. S. N. Through 1st. S.N. of the previous row. St. S.N., 1 V.P., St. N., repeat a series in a circle. 

5 row: 3 VP and knit the whole range of St. S.N. Break the thread. 

Now start to tie the bottom, start from the center of the back Pinetochki, Hook capture 2 loops braid, which we formed at the mating of 5 rows of insoles and knit a number of Volanchikov: v. B. and St. S.N. In one loop, VP, one loop to skip, and so repeating in a circle. Break the thread. 

Just tie the top of the booties. 

Now you can stretch the holes in satin ribbon.

4. Decoration of Pinette.

Some booties can be attributed to the artwork.

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