
Knitting pullover Lope Pape Persia

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Beautiful knitting pullover from the collection 2017/18 Winter by Nora Gohan. Jacquard pattern on a yoke inspired by the patterns of Persian carpets. 

Notes on knitting a pullover: 

1) The body and sleeves of the pullover are knitted in circular rows from top to bottom until the armpits are tightly single, then the work is divided into body and sleeves. 

2) The diagrams indicate the circular rows of faces. Read diagrams only from right to left. 

3) When changing colors, twist the threads on the wrong side to avoid holes. 

4) In small areas of scheme 1, some loops are duplicated in a different color at the end of the work. Embroidery "loop in the loop." 


German short rows (NKR) 

Link the required number of loops according to the instructions, turn the work. Thread before work, remove 1 p. As izn. 

Nakidu, getting a "double loop" on the right needle. Continue knitting the pattern according to the instructions. To complete the short rows, at the meeting of the "double loop" knit the loop and nakida together. 


How to knit a pullover with a round Jacquard yoke 
We knit a yoke 
On the needles 4 mm, with a rope 40 cm long, thread C, dial 126 (140) 140 (154) 154 p. Connect in a circle, make sure that the loops are not twisted, and place marker of the beginning of a row. With a thread C to connect 0 (2) 2 (3) 2 krug.ryadov front. 

Only for sizes M (L) XL. 

Incremental row: thread C, front loops, uniformly adding 14 p. - 182 p. 

Only for sizes XL 

Thread C, knit 3 rounds with front rows. 

For all sizes, Scheme 1 start 

Note Change needles with a longer cable when the loops will no longer fit. 

Krug.r. 1 (ld.): Knit 14 items of the scheme, repeating 9 (10) 11 (12) 13 times.

Continue knitting in the prescribed manner 47 krug.r. - 252 (280) 308 (336) 364 p. 

Only for sizes (S) M (L) XL 

Incremental row: with MC thread, knit all the loops of the faces., Adding (12) 10 (16) 18 p. Evenly - (292 ) 318 (352) 382 p. 

For all sizes. 

Continue to knit only the main color MC: 

Place the marker from the opposite edge from the beginning of the circle. P. in the center of the rapport scheme to indicate the center of the forehand. (see diagram). Count on 42 (48) 52 (58) 62) n. On each side of the center of the front and place markers for the right and left edges of the front. - total 84 (96) 104 (116) 124 points before the markers. 

Delete the start marker of a circle. 

Start of short rows

Knit faces. up to the marker of the right edge of the front, NKR, izn. to the marker of the left front edge, * NKR, individuals. before wrapped p., fasten a turn and loop together persons., 3 persons., NKR, and. before wrapped n, tie a turn of the loop together ex., 3 ex., NKR; repeat from * to 8 oylurots on each side. Turn, knit faces. all the loops of the circle row, knitting the wrapped loops as before, finish at the marker of the left edge of the front. 

Knit facial 0 (2) 5 (8) 10 krug.r. 

Incremental row: knit with the front ones, evenly adding 10 points, finish the circle with the 1st loop in front of the marker of the left front edge. - 262 (302) 328 (362) 392 p. 

We divide work into body and sleeves

Next row: 1 person., Put a trace. 48 (56) 60 (66) 72 p. Per thread section (left sleeve), dial 6 (6) 7 (7) 7 p., Place a marker (armpit), dial 6 (6) 7 (7) 7 p. , 82 (94) 104 (114) 124 persons. back, place the trail. 48 (56) 60 (66) 72 p. Per thread section (right sleeve), dial 6 (6) 7 (7) 7 p., Place a marker (armpit), dial 6 (6) 7 (7) 7 p. , faces., before the first marker of the armpit, remove the markers of the right and left edges of the forehand. - 190 (214) 236 (258) 276 p. On the needles. 


Knit pullover body with knitting 
Note. Now this marker, the first armpit, will be the beginning of the circle. 

* Tie up the front 9 rows. 

A restful row: 2 people., 2 people. Together, people. up to 4 n. before the next. a marker, 2 persons. together with a broach, 2 persons., retake the marker, 2 persons., 2 persons. together, individuals. up to 4 p. in front of the marker, 2 persons. together with a broach, 2 persons. - 4 p. Reduced. 

Repeat from * 5 more times - 166 (190) 212 (234) 252 p. 

Continue knitting with the front satin stitch to 23 (23) 24 (24) 25.5 cm from the armpits or to the desired length, not 9 cm. 

Surplus row: persons ., uniformly adding 38 (38) 40 (42) 48 p. - 204 (228) 252 (276) 300 p. 

Beginning of the scheme 3 

Krug.r. 1 (dsr.): Knit 4 paragraphs of the scheme by repeating 51 (57) 63 (69) 75 times.

Continue knitting according to the pattern linking only 8 krug.r. 

Change the needles to 3.5 mm. 

Thread C, tie 1 krug.r. Persons., then knit 12 krug.r. gum 2 persons., 2 out. 

Thread E, continue knitting with a rubber band another 5 krug.r. Close loop gum weakly (eg needle). 

We knit the sleeves of a pullover with knitting needles 
with a basic MC thread, 4 mm stocking knitting needles, starting from the center of the armpit, lift and knit faces. 6 (6) 7 (7) 7 p. 48 (56) 60 (66) 72 persons. with the holder, lift and tie the faces. 6 (6) 7 (7) 7 p., Place a marker of the beginning of a circle. - 60 (68) 74 (80) 86 p. 

** To bind with the front satin surface 13 (10) 7 (7) 5 circle. 

A restful row: 2 people., 2 people. together, individuals. up to 4 p. in front of the marker, 2 persons. together with a broach, 2 persons.

Repeat from ** another 5 (7) 9 (10) 13 times - 48 (52) 54 (58) 58 p. 

Knit with the front satin finish up to 30.5 cm from the armpit or to the desired length of the sleeve, without making it 15.5 cm. 

Incremental series: individuals., Adding uniformly 4 (4) 6 (6) 6 p. - 52 (56) 60 (64) 64 p. 

Beginning of the 

Schedule 2 Krug.r. 1 (ld.): Knit 4 items of the scheme by repeating them 13 (14) 15 (16) 16 times. 

Continue knitting according to Scheme 2 in the prescribed manner 24 rounds of the row, in the last row evenly subtract 8 points - 44 (48) 52 (56) 56 points. 

Change the needles to 3.5 mm and attach thread B. Link 12 rounds of rows with an elastic band 2x2. 

Change the thread to color D and tie another 6 rows of elastic. Weakly close the loop. 

Finishing work 
Embroidery a loop in a loop according to the scheme. 

Knit the neck

On the needles 3.5 mm, thread C, lift and knit facial 100 (112) 112 (124) 124 p. Along the typesetting edge of the neck. Connect in a circle. 

Knit with a rubber band 2x2 6 krug.r. 

Change the thread to color B, and tie another 4 circle. 

Thread D, close loop loop. in a way: 2 persons. together, * [nakid, to stretch the n. through the nakid] 2 times, to stretch the 2nd n. through the 1st; repeat from * to the end. 

To block the finished pullover. 

Knitting pullover lopapeys ready. 

Photo and design (c) VOGUE KNITTING magazine. Norah Gaughan. 40 Timeless Knit.

Source : https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/flipper777/post444491710/

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