
Socks Crochet Free Pattern

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At the age of 2 years, foot size is 21-22. 
Hook the yarn corresponding to it in thickness. 
Circle amigurumi . Next sbn. 
Number of in-row sbn: 6, 12, 24, 24, 24, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 - a total of 10 rows. Now another 10 rows without increments - 32 Sbn. 
Next, knit heel, also sbn. 
Only 20 sbn are left, and 12 are still left untouched. So knit 6 rows. 
Next, we divide the 20 loops into 6-8-6 and knit the middle 8 loops with 6 rows, with the 1st and 8th loops of each row being knitted together with the loops from the 6-6 folds. We get the heel. 
Left leg. 
Knit sbn. 
In the first row, we remove 4 loops: where 20 heels are connected to the remaining 12 loops of the front part of the sock, we knit 3 loops in 1 - there are 2 such places. 28 loses left. Knit 6 more rows. 
The last 5 rows: 
1 row of ssn, 1 row of sbn, again ssn and again sbn, and another 1 row of ssn.


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