
Crochet Summer Top Free Pattern

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36/38 (40/42) 44/46 
You will need 
250 (300) 350 g white yarn 
Secondo [55% cotton, 25% 
Liamida, Silk, 
125 m/50 g) 
Knitting Needles No : 6

Attention! All details knit with knot Edge. 
Knot Edge: 1 p. of each row of reduced- 
Mother as persons., the last loop of each 
A number of people to bind. 
Mesh Pattern: Knit according to the scheme. Start 
With loops before Rapportom, repeat loops 
Rapport, finishing loops after rap- 
Port. Repeat 1-st and 2-nd R. 
Density of Knitting: 18 p. and 18 p. 
= 10x10 cm. 
Double Thread Dial 74 (80) 92 
P. and knit a mesh pattern. After 30 [31) 
32 cm = 54 (56) 58 R. From the set edge 
Close for armholes on both sides of the p. and in 
Each 2-r. 1h3 p. and 0 [0) 2x2 p. 
= 62 
(68) 72 p. through 16 (17) 18 cm = 28 (30) 
32 R. From the beginning of the armhole close for cut 
The necks are average 12 p. and both sides 
Finish separately. For rounding Close 
From the inner edge in each 2-M R. 2 x 3 p. 
4 cm = 8 R. From the beginning of the cut Gorlovi- 
Close the remaining 19 (22) 24 p. 
Knit like a backrest, but with more deep 
Kim's neck. To do this, through Z 
(4) 5 cm = 4 (b) 8 R. From the beginning of the armhole 
Close the average 6 p. and in each 2-R. 2 x 
3.1 h2i1h1p. 
Assembly: shoulder seams; Lining RU- 
Kava, to perform lateral seams and seams of sleeves. 

Cross set :
Rewind from the tangle the end of the filament is twice as long as it takes to set the initial 
of the Fold this end twice and throw on the index finger of the left hand of the 
The end of the tangle. On the thumb, convert the loop from the double thread [Fig. 1). 
To perform the first and all odd loops, insert the spokes into the loop on the large 
Finger, grab the thread coming from your index finger, slide it out of the loop, throw 
Loop with the thumb and tighten the hinge on the spoke double thread. The following loops 
Dial one thread, and their lower edge is made of double thread. For the second and all 
Even loops, throw the thread on the 60lshoj finger, draw the spokes under the outer part of the 
This thread, grab the thread that goes from the index finger and slide it out of the loop 
(Fig. 2). Throw the loop with the thumb and tighten the loop on the spoke double thread. 
After dialing the first row knit purl loops. 

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