
Yellow Doll Free Pattern

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Yarn any in quality and color: the main (legs, body, sleeves, hood, knobs)-yellow, pink and others, head and hands-beige or white, scarf-color combination for the main color.

Step 1. Legs + body + head.
The foreground color.
1) in the Ring Amigurumi 5 PRS
2) arr., 1 PRS, arr., 1 PRS, arr. = 8 PRS
3)-17) 8 PRS (15 rows)
Tie two legs. On the first leg of the thread to break. The second is not to be torn. 
Beat the legs (pretty tight).

The foreground color.
1) Join the two legs together. Between legs 12 V.P. 8 PRs on one leg, 12 PRS on V.P., 8 PRs on the second leg, 12 PRS on V.P. only 40 PRs.
2) 42 PRS (side increments)
3) 42 PRS
4) 44 PRS (side increments)
5)-10) 44 PRS (6 rows)
11) 40 PRS (decreases on the sides, front and back)
12)-15) 40 PRS
16) 36 PRS (decreases on the sides, front and back)
17)-19) 36 PRS
20) (4 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 30 PRS
21) 30 PRS
22) (3 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 24 PRS
23) 24 PRS
24) (2 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 18 PRS
Body color.
25)-26) 18 PRS
To beat the body. In the neck Insert 3 cotton sticks.

Body color. 
27) (2 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 24 PRS
28) (3 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 30 PRS
29) (4 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 36 PRS
30) (5 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 42 PRS
31) (6 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 48 PRS
32) (7 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 54 PRS
33)-42) 54 PRS (10 rows)
43) (7 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 48 PRS
44) (6 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 42 PRS
45) (5 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 36 PRS
46) (4 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 30 PRS
47) (3 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 24 PRS
48) (2 PRS, UB.) 6 times = 18 PRS
Beat your head.
49) (1 prs) 6 times = 12 PRS
50) 6 UB. = 6 PRS
The hole to pull.

Stage 2.
Body color. 
1) in the Ring Amigurumi 5 PRS
2) arr, 4 PRS = 6 PRS
3) 6 PRS
4) 3 PRSs with one vertex, 5 PRS = 6 PRS-for one hand
5 PRS, 3 PRSs with one vertex = 6 PRS-for the other hand
5) 6 PRS
The foreground color.
6) 6 PRS
7) arr., 5 PRS = 7 PRS
8)-25) 7 PRS (18 rows)
Beat the handle.
26) 2 UB.
Top of handles close 3 PRS.

The foreground color. 
1) in the Ring Amigurumi 6 PRS
2) 6 arr. = 12 PRS
3) (1 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 18 PRS
4) (2 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 24 PRS
5) (3 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 30 PRS
6) (4 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 36 PRS
7) (5 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 42 PRS
8) (6 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 48 PRS
9) (7 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 54 PRS
10)-21) 54 PRS

The foreground color.
1) in the Ring Amigurumi 6 PRS
2) 6 arr. = 12 PRS
3) (1 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 18 PRS
4) (2 PRS, arr.) 6 times = 24 PRS
5)-7) 24 PRS

Knit arbitrarily by crochet or knitting needles. I knit 6 VP, 3 PRSs, turn. Then turning rows 2 V.P., 3 PRSs to the desired length. At the ends you can make a fringe. 

Assembly and Design
1) Sew the handles.
2) put the hood on the head and sew on the back around the neck.
3) Sew the knobs on the hood.
4) Sew or glue the eyes.5) Tie a scarf.

The doll-chulpanoid already pleases US!!!


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