
Crochet Maple Leaves

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Materials: cotton yarn or cotton / acrylic (Vita Cotton Lira), hook number 2 (or any
another, suitable for your yarn), plastic buttons.
Вп - air loop Пссн - полустолбик with накидом
ss - connecting column cc2n - column with two crochets
sbn - column without crochet pn - lifting loop
ssn - a column with a crochet pico - 3 in, 1 ss tied in the first
1 row: amigurumi ring, into it 3 in and 11 ssn, ss, thread tighten
2 series: to make in each column of the previous series an increase in the value of Ss (24), ss, 1 pp
3 row: (skip one loop, next link 7 ssn, skip one loop, tie
1 scc) x5, then associate 2 sb, dial 12 bp, tie in the opposite direction 12 cc, and
the last in the same loop as the column without the crochet, 1 sb in the next loop.
4 row: we knit consistently the ends of the leaf
1) 4 sb, 3 psn in one loop, 3 vp we close in pico, 1 pss, 2 sb, 1 ss
2) 4 sb, 3 ssn in one loop, 3 vp close in pico, 1 ssn, 1 sb, 1 ss
3) 1 сбн, 2 ссн, 2 сс2н in one loop, 3 вп we close in пико, 2 сс2н in the same loop, 2 ссн, 1 сбн,
1 ss
4) 1 сбн, 1 ссн, 3 вп we close in пико, 3 ссн in one loop, 4 сбн, 1 сс
5) 2 сбн, 1 пссн, 3 вп we close in пико, 3 пссн in one loop, 4 сбн, 1 сс, the thread is cut off and
pull out, without tightening the knot, fill under the next loop and then pass from top to bottom in
the same ss from which it comes out, then hide it. Central thread pass through the first
row once again, tighten and sew on the same button, then hide it.

Creative climbing byMarieSmthred

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