
Tapestry Knitting

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Tapestry crocheting - of course, is not at all a tapestry in itself, however, the finished works performed in this technique look almost like real tapestries, so the topic attracts the attention of many needlewomen. And, perhaps, absolutely not in vain: following a fairly simple instruction, you will get excellent in its originality and style of work. In general, the tendency to create "tapestry" things hooks is becoming more and more popular: the technique is known among needlewomen of all continents. If you want to join the global trends, be sure to review the proposed master class on crocheted crocheting - you will surely find something interesting and unusual for yourself that will allow you to create unique products and get a lot of pleasure.

Tapestry, crochet, plays with color changes and sweeps. You can use two colored yarns and switch between two colors as required by the template. This knitting creates a good thick fabric, from which you can make a lot of interesting, creative things.

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