

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List


Size 80-B

You will need: 100 g of pink mercerized cotton yarn "Rose" (50 g / 330 m) in 2 additions; hook number 2; 2 ready-made calyx; beads for pink pearls; pink bugles; pink rhinestones 15 pcs .; thread of natural rose quartz; thread-elastic band 1.2 m long.

Interlacing: Art. without a crochet.

Knitting density: 20 tbsp. х 20 р. = 10 x 10 cm, is associated with Art. without a crochet.

LEFT CUP. Tie a chain of 30 bp. and on its basis, knit art. without a crochet. After 14 rows from the beginning of work, continue work only on 15 st. without a crochet. After knitting 30 rows from the beginning of work, finish knitting.

THE RIGHT CUISINE. Perform a mirror left.

ASSEMBLY. Perform darts on the cups. Cups in a circle tie the 1 st series of art. without a crochet. For straps through the neck, bind the braid on the basis of 5 tbsp. without a crochet 40 cm long (= 80 rows without a crochet). Sew a strap from one cup to the other.

For ties, connect 2 braids on the basis of 5 tbsp. without a crochet 38 cm long (= 76 rows without a crochet). Insert the string into the braid. On the bodice, paste rhinestones, beads for pink pearls, pink bugles and pink quartz, focusing on the picture or arbitrarily. Connect the calyxes together with rhinestones. For firmness of form, sew ready cups.


Size 40-48

You will need: 150 g of pink mercerized cotton yarn "Rose" (50 g / 330 m); hook number 2.

Interlacing: motif "spiderweb": tie a chain of 5 bp, close it in a ring.

1st row - 12 tbsp. without a ring in the ring;

2nd row - 12 tbsp. with a crochet, performing between each art. 2 points each;

3rd row - 12 tbsp. with a crochet, performing between each art. for 3 years;

4th row - 12 tbsp. with a crochet, performing between each art. for 4 years;

5th row - 12 tbsp. with a crochet, performing between each art. on 5 centuries;

6th row - 12 tbsp. with a crochet, performing between each art. for 6 cp. and the "pico" of 3 cp.

Attention! Bars with a crochet are tied in 3 steps: perform a crochet, pull the thread, tie the first loop, then in 2 doses of 2 st rest loops.

Knitting density: the diameter of the motif is 10 cm.

DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Tie 102 motifs, connecting them to each other in the pattern during the process of knitting the last row. Additionally, fix the motifs between the needle. Connect points A and A1 and further along the marked points.

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