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The size is 48-50. 
You will need: yarns - 120 grams of brown, 170 g of pistachio and 150 g of light green flowers (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 50 g / 850 m, thread 4 additions); hook number 3; 5 buttons. 
The size of the motif (Scheme 5) = 11.5 x 11.5 cm. 
Performance:according to scheme 5, connect 24 motifs of brown, 36 pistachio and 34 motif of light green color. For the lower edge of the sleeves, connect the 8 motifs by making a rectangular half brown, half pistachio thread. Sew the motifs by spreading the pattern across the colors into strips. For 2 motifs of brown color sew on the sides in a ring and sew as a cuff to the sleeve, picking the bottom edge. For a collar to connect in a strip of 6 motives of a light green color and to sew on the edge of a cut of a mouth. On the vertical edge of the shelves for the strip on the sides of 5 motives, starting from the bottom, to connect 4 rows of art. b / n, performing each section with a thread of the appropriate color, leaving the upper motif for the collar of the collar. At the same time, along the edge of the right shelf in the 3 rd row, simultaneously make 5 holes for the buttons: for each pass 3 points, execute above them an arch of 3 air. etc., in the 4 th row in the arch to link 5 tbsp. b / n. Sew on the buttons on the left shelf.

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