
Amigurumi Yellow Teddy Bear

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Ka - ring amigurumi
Sbn - a column without a crochet
Pr-addition (to tie two loops from one loop)
Add-on (tie two loops together)
SS-connecting post


1 row: 6 scales in the spacecraft
2 series: 6 additions = 12 3 series: (1сбн, пр) х6 = 18 4 series: (2сбн, пр) х6 = 24
5 row: (3sbn, pr) x6 = 30
6 row: (4сбн, пр) х6 = 36
7th row: 36 sbn
8 row: (5sbn, pr) x6 = 42
9- 13 series: 42 sbn
14th row: (5cb, yb) x6 = 36
15 series: (4сбн, уб) х6 = 30
16th row: (3sbn, yb) x6 = 24
17 series: (2сбн, уб) х6 = 18
18th row: 18th c.
19 series: (2сбн, пр) х 6 = 24
20 row: (3sbn, pr) x 6 = 30
21-24 series: 30 sbn
25 series: 7 sb, 16 increases. 7 sbn = 46
26-29 series: 46 sbn
30 series: 7 sbn, 16 deductions, 7 sb = 30
31 series: (3сбн, уб) х 6 = 24
32 row: (2 sb, уб) х 6 = 18
33 series: (1 сбн, уб) х 6 = 12
34 row: 6 deductions


1 row: 12 fps in the spacecraft
2nd row: 12th c.
3 row: 4 сбн. Уб, 4сбн, уб = 10
4-10 row: 10 sb, folded, tied for both sides


1 row: 12 fps in the spacecraft
2 series: (1сбн, пр) х6 = 18
3 rd row: 18 sbn
4 row: 12 sb, 3 yb = 15
5 row: 9 cd, 2 ub, 2 sb = 13
6-7 series: 13 sbn
8 series: 5 sat, pr, 6sbn, pr = 15
9-13 series: 15 sb, folded together and tied for both sides sbn


1 row: 6 scales in the spacecraft
2 row: 6 increases = 12
3 series: (1сбн, пр) х6 = 18
4th row: 18th c.

1 row: 6 sb in the spacecraft
2 row: 6 increases = 12
3 series: (1 сбн, пр) х6 = 18,
fold in two and tie it in both directions

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