
How to Make Amigurumi Dolls

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

- Wool of the following colors:
for hair: yellow, brown or your choice; white, skin color;
for lips: red or pink
- Hook 2,5mm
- Filler
- 4 eyes (9mm or less)
- 2 safety pins
- Needle for yarn
- Marker

VP - air loop
RLS - column without crochet
SSBN - polistolbik without nakida (connecting column) ПССН - полустолбик with накидом
ST2N - a column with two crochets
2 SBN in the next. to increase in value
2СБН to tie together - decrease

- Knit in a spiral, the rows do not join / rotate unless otherwise specified.
- Mark at the beginning of the rows with a marker
(you can thread or a small pin).
- Fill with filler in the course of knitting.

LEGS (2 parts):
Skin color:
1 row: in the ring amigurumi 6SBN (6)
2 row: (2 CBN in each p.) X 6 times (12)
3-7 series: 12 CBN in a circle (12)
After the second leg we begin the body.
White thread:
8 row: 4VP, 12PSBN on the first leg,
       4ВП, 12ПСБН on the second leg (32)
9th row: 32 SBN in a circle (32)
10 series: 9СБН, 2СБН in the next. n., 15СБН, 2СБН in the next. n., 6CBN (34) 11 series: 34 SBN in a circle (34)
12 row: 10СБН, 2СБН in the next. п., 8СБН, 2СБН in the next. Sec., 8CBN,
       2 SBN in the next. para., SCBN (37)
13th row: 37 CBN in a circle (37)
14 series: 37SPBN in a circle (37)
Skin color:
15 series: 37 SBN in a circle (37)
16 series: 11СБН, 2СБН to tie together, 17СБН,
       2СБН to tie together, 5СБН (35)
17 series: (5СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 5 times (30)
18 series: 30 SBN in a circle (30)
19 series: (4СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 5 times (25)
20 series: 25 SBN in a circle (25)
21 series: (3СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 5 times (20)
22 row: 20 CBN in a circle (20)
23 series: (8СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 2 times (18)

White thread:
1 row: 4ВП, 2СБН in the next. n., 1СБН, 2СБН in the next. etc., turn (4 + 5) 2-3 rows: 5 SBN, turn (5)
4 row: 2 SBN in the next. n., 3СБН, 2СБН in the next. etc., turn (7)
5 series: 7СБН, turn (7)
6th row: 7PSBN, turn (7)
Sew on only the base, above attach with an English pin.

HANDS (2 parts):
Skin color:
1 row: in the ring amigurumi 6SBN (6)
2 row: (2 CBN in each p.) X 6 times (12)
3-4 rows: 12 CBN in a circle (12)
5 row: (4СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 2 times (10)
6-7 series: 10 CBN in a circle (10)
8 row: (3СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 2 times (8)
9th row: 8SBN in a circle (8)
10 row: (2СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 2 times (6) Attach hands between 21 and 22 rows of the body.
(can be attached with purchasing eyes for mobility.)

If you like the navel, you can tie it out with a "knob" or embroider, as the author did.
Skin color:
1 row: in the ring amigurumi 7SBN (7)
2 row: (2 CBN in each p.) X 7 times (14)
3rd row: (2CBN next, 1CBN) x 7 times (21)
4 series: (2СБН in the next section, 2СБН) х 7 times (28)
5 series: 28 SBN in a circle (28)
6 row: (2СБН next, 3СБН) х 7 times (35)
7th row: 35 CBN in a circle (35)
8 series: (2СБН in the next section, 4СБН) х 7 times (42)
9th row: 42 SBN in a circle (42)
10 series: (2СБН in the next section, 5СБН) х 7 times (49)
11th row: 49SBN in a circle (49)
12 series: (2СБН in the next section, 6СБН) х 7 times (56)
13-15 series: 56 CBN in a circle (56)
16 row: (2CBN tie together, 6CBN) x 7 times (49) 17 row: (2CBN tie together, 5CBN) x 7 times (42) 18 row: (2CBN tie together, 4CBN) x 7 times (35) 19 row : (2СБН to tie together, 3СБН) х 7 times (28) 20 row: (2СБН to tie together, 2СБН) х 7 times (21) 21 row: (2СБН to tie together, 1СБН) х 7 times (14)
22 row: (2SBN tie together) x 7 times (7)
Finish the job.
EARS (2 parts):
Skin color:
1 row: in the ring amigurumi 6СБН, 1ВП, turn (6)
2 series: 1SPCH, 2SPSS in the following. p., 2СБН, 2СБН in the next. etc., 1SPBN (8)
The thread of hair color:
1-11 series: repeat knitting of the head
12th row: 49 CBN in a circle (49)

Thread of pink or red colors:
1 row: in the amigurumi ring: 4SBN, 1SPBN, 4SPSSN, 1SPBN (10)

Do not forget to make a tint with lipstick or pastels.
White thread:
1 row: 3ВП, 2СБН, turn (2)
2 series: 2SPSSN, 4VP, turn (2)
3rd row: 3СБН + 2СБН, turn (5)
4 series: 4SPSSN, 1SPBN, 4VP, turn (5)
5 series: 3СБН + 5СБН, turn (8)
6 row: 7SPSSN, 1SPBN, 3VP, turn (8)
7 series: 1PSBN, 9SBN, 3VP, rotation (10)
8 row: tie 3ST2N with one vertex, returning to 1 row See photo.

Finish the Angels and if you want, you can add accessories.

White thread:
1 row: in the ring amigurumi 6SBN (6)
2 series: (2СБН next, 2СБН) х 2 times (8) 3 row: (2СБН next, 3СБН) х 2 times (10) 4 row: (2СБН in the next item, 4СБН ) х 2 times (12) 5 row: 12СБН in a circle (12)
6 row: (2СБН next, 5СБН) х 2 times (14) 7 row: (2СБН next, 6СБН) х 2 times (16) 8 row: (2СБН in the next item, 7СБН ) х 2 times (18) 9 row: 18СБН in a circle (18)
10 row: (2СБН next, 8СБН) х 2 times (20) 11 row: (2СБН next, 9СБН) х 2 times (22) 12 row: (2СБН in the next section, 10СБН ) x 2 times (24)
13-18 series: 24 CBN in a circle (24)
19 row: (2CBN tie together, 10СБН) х 2 times (22) 20 row: (2СБН to tie together, 9СБН) х 2 times (20) 21 row: (2СБН to tie together, 8СБН) х 2 times (18) 22 row : 18 CBN in a circle (18)
23 series: (2CBN tie together, 7CBN) x 2 times (16) 24 row: (2CBN tie together, 6CBN) x 2 times (14) 25 row: (2CBN tie together, 5CBN) x 2 times (12) 26 row : 12 CBN in a circle (12)
27 row: (2CBN tie together) x 6 times (6) Finish the job.

Small part:
A thread of pink color:
1 row: in the ring amigurumi 6SBN (6)
2 row: (2 CBN in each p.) X 6 times (12)
3rd row: (2CBN next, 1CBN) x 6 times (18)
4-5 series: 18 CBN in a circle (18)
Most of:
A thread of pink color:
1 row: in the ring amigurumi 6SBN (6)
2 row: (2 CBN in each p.) X 6 times (12)
3rd row: (2CBN next, 1CBN) x 6 times (18)
4 series: (2СБН in the next section, 2СБН) х 6 times (18)
5-6 series: 24 CBN in a circle (24)
Link the two parts together 4SBN, go to the 7th row.

A heart:
Thread of pink or red colors:
7th row: 38SBN (22SBN - most + 16SBN - a small part)
       in a circle (38)
8 row: (8СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 2 times,
       (7СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 2 times (34)
9th row: 34 CBN in a circle (34)
10 series: 3СБН, 2СБН to tie together, 6СБН,
 2СБН to tie together, 4СБН, 2СБН to tie together, 3СБН, 2СБН to tie together, 4СБН,
 2СБН to tie together, 4СБН (29)
11th row: 29 CBN in a circle (29)
12 series: 3СБН, 2СБН to tie together,
       (4СБН, 2СБН to tie together) х 4 times (24) 13 row: (2СБН to tie together, 4СБН) х 4 times (20) 14 row: 20СБН in a circle (20)
15 row: (2SBN tie together, 3CBN) x 4 times (16) 16 row: (2CBN tie together, 2CBN) x 4 times (12) 17 row: (2CBN tie together, 1CBN) x 4 times (8) 18 row : (2СБН to tie together) х 4 times (4) To finish work.

The angels are ready!

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