
Soft Thin Vest Free Pattern

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36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need to
Yarn (70% mohair, 30% silk; 425 m/50 g)-150 (150) 200 g in pink colors. Or: Yarn (40% alpaca wool, 20% mohair, 15% sheep wool, 25% polyamide; 400 m/50 g) — 200 (200) 200 g in raspberry tones; Spokes № 4; Circular Spokes № 4.

Patterns and diagrams

Facial surface
Knitting rows in the forward and reverse direction: Facial Rows-facial loops, purls rows-purls loops.

Knitting in a circle: only facial loops.

Main pattern
Knit according to the scheme. On it are given facial ranks. In the purl rows of loops to tie the figure, the scum-purl.

In the 1st and 3rd p. Diagrams empty cells do not matter and when knitting they should be lowered.

Starting from the 5th p., instead of the empty cells on the right shelf, the 1st Reglannoy strip, the right sleeve and the 2nd Reglannoy strip continue the pattern as before, and only on the middle section of the backrest empty cells are lowered.

Density of Knitting
20 p. x 30 p. = 10 x 10 cm, is associated with the main pattern spokes № 4.

For a backrest in height to execute on a scheme 1 times from 1 to 18-th p. (At this stage as a result of reglannyh increments the full width of a pattern of a backrest is reached). Other Additions for Reglannyh Skosov to continue, as before, and on the added loops to knit a face smooth.

Since the 19th century, the grey color 13 p. raport pattern in width repeat three times (= Total 39 p.), on the other loops knit facial smoothness. In height to repeat from 19-th to 34-th p. of a pattern, highlighted in grey color.

The Product is knitted from the edge of the neck from top to bottom with a single cloth (each detail in the drawing pattern is given separately for greater visibility).

Doing the work
On Spokes № 4 to dial 4 p. And, having begun with Iznanochnogo of a row, to knit 66 р. The basic pattern.

Then, without turning, on the left edge to dial 66 p. and on the Nabornomu edge of 4 p. = Total 74 p. Seamy series of purl, with the middle of the backrest to add 1 p., Vyvyazin it from the stretch reverse crossed = on the spokes 75 p.

After that, start working on the scheme, from the middle loop of the backrest-in the mirror display. In the 3rd p. Start the Reglani increments (the Z icon on the diagram = from the stretch to knit 1 persons. Crossed loop), the increments are performed in each person. Row. Starting from the 5th p., on both shelves in each person. Row at a distance of 3 p. From the edge to do 1 scale. These additions are performed in every next person. Row.

In the 19th p. On both sides of the average 13 p. From the stretch to knit 1 person. Crossed loop (= Z icon on the diagram). These additions in the same places to perform in each next 8th p. On the added loops knit facial smoothness.

After 20 (23) 26 cm (= 60 (70) 78 p. From the beginning of the increments) the Reglani Bevi finish. After that loops to divide: on 76 (86) 94 p. For sleeves temporarily to leave, on loops of shelves and a backrest work to continue the uniform linen. At the same time in places where the loops of sleeves were temporarily left, from the last loop of a shelf and the first loop of a backrest Sootv. To knit out 1 person. and 1 persons. Crossed Loop. Increments on both sides of the middle of the backrest and along the front edges of the shelves continue until the length of the backrest from the line of the middle is 64 (67) 70 cm.

Further Projazat 4 р. A front smooth without a increments and a loop for elastic edge to close as follows: 1 persons., * 1 persons., both loops return to the left spoke and be put together behind the back walls (= persons. crossed), from * repeating until all loops are closed.

To Knit in a circle on circular spokes № 4, thus in 1-th p. From the added between shelves and a back of loops to knit on 1 p. (= on Spokes 78 (88) 96 p.), and these loops to mark. In each of the next 6th p. (alternately in each 4th p. and in each 6th p.) in each 4th p. On both sides of the marked loops reduce 14 (19) 23 times on 1 p. = On the spokes 50 p.

Through 64 cm from the Beski projazat another 4 p. Facial smoothness and loops freely close.

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