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Viva cardigan from designer Signe Strømgaard is made from top to bottom with a single canvas. It is decorated with a beautiful pattern of Arana on the yoke.

Design Signe Strømgaard

The size
XS (S) M (L) XL (2XL) 3XL

For breast circumference 68-78 (78-88) 88-98 (98-108) 108-118 (118-128) 128-138 cm

Measurement of the finished product
Chest circumference 90 (97) 110 (118) 130 (135) 145 cm

The length of the sleeve 44 (45) 45 (46) 46 (46) 46 cm

Length 58 (59) 60 (61) 62 (63) 64 cm

Peruvian Highland Wool yarn (100% wool) 100 m / 50 g color 957-400 (400) 450 (500) 550 (600) 600 g

Circular needles 4 mm long 60 cm

Circular needles 5 mm long 40 and 60-80 cm

Double edged needles 4 mm and 5 mm


7 (7) 8 (8) 8 (8) 8 buttons

Knitting density
16 pet and 26 rows = 10 x 10 cm with 5 mm spokes on the face


Cardigan knit top down in one piece. At first the coquette is knitted by the pattern of arana according to the scheme. Then knitting is divided for shelves, back and sleeves, which are knitted separately. In conclusion, performed strips shelves.

Dial 60 (62) 64 (66) 68 (70) 72 hinges on 4 mm circular knitting needles and knit in rotary rows.

In the first row on the front side, add loops.

Knit with facial 28 (17) 26 (25) 24 (23) 22 pet, * knit 1 pet from the broach of the face behind the back wall, 1 face *. Knit from * to * a total of 6 (10) 14 (18) 22 (26) 30 times. Knit facial to end of row.

Total 67 (73) 79 (85) 91 (97) 103 pet on the spokes.

Next, knit according to the scheme, starting with a purse row. Read the scheme from left to right on the wrong side, right to left on the front side.

Knit the loops until the red line marks the pattern repeat, then repeat the repeat 8 (9) 10 (11) 12 (13) 14 times, then knit the loops after the red line. Dark gray cells do not take into account. The first and last loops on the diagram are edge. They fit facial in each row.

Go to the needles 5 mm after the sixth row.

When all the rows of the scheme are completed, the spokes should be 208 (228) 248 (268) 288 (308) 328 pet.

Next, knit the third part of the scheme on the first and last 22 loops. Knit the remaining loops as they look (facial facial, purl - purl), until the work reaches 18 (19) 20 (22) 23 (24) 25 cm. Lastly, tie the purl.

In the next row, separate the loop for knitting the back, shelves and sleeves.

Next row (BOS): knit a pattern 31 (34) 36 (41) 46 (47) 50 pet (= front), place the next 42 (46) 48 (52) 54 (60) 64 pet on the loop holder (= sleeve), put a marker, type 8 (8) 10 (10) 12 (12) 14 new pet, put a marker, knit the following 62 (68) 80 (82) 88 (94) 100 pet as they look (= back), place the next 42 (46) 48 (52) 54 (60) 64 pet on the looper (= sleeve), put a marker, type 8 (8) 10 (10) 12 (12) 14 new pet, put a marker, knit the pattern with the following 31 (34) 36 (41) 46 (47) 50 pet (= before).

On the needles 140 (152) 172 (184) 204 (212) 228 pet.

Continue to knit the spit pattern according to the third pattern and the front, purl loops, as they appear, until the work reaches approximately 8 (7) 7 (6) 5 (5) cm from the separation. Last tie the front row.

Row with loops (IC) * knit the pattern to the marker, retake the marker, 2 persons together, knit up to 2 petas in front of the marker, remove 2 petas as faces one at a time, return them to the left knitting needle and knit the faces behind the back wall ( decrease 1 pet with a slope to the right), re-remove the marker *. Repeat from * to * once, knit the pattern to the end of the row.

Perform the second row with a decrease in the loops after another 6 rows.

There are 132 (144) 164 (176) 196 (204) 220 pet on the spokes left.

Knit a pattern smoothly, without subtracting the loops, 3 cm.

The last tie a purse row.

Row with the addition of loops (LS): * knit a pattern to the marker, re-remove the marker, nakid, knit to the marker, nakid, re-remove the marker *. Repeat from * to * once, knit the pattern to the end of the row.

Squat in the next row knit the back wall.

Knit a row with the addition of loops in each 6th row only 4 times. A total of 148 (160) 180 (192) 212 (220) 236 pet on the needles.

Continue to knit with a braid pattern until the body reaches approximately 36-37 (36-37) 36-37 (35-36) 35-36 (35-36) 35-36 cm from the separation.

Finish on the first row of the scheme, even if it is just above the required length.

Knit loops, as they appear, with facial or purl to 38 (38) 38 (37) 37 (37) 37 cm.

Finish on the purl row.

The pattern is performed on the garter.

Row 1 (BOS): all loops are facial

Row 2: Knit the front loops and loops with a pattern as before.

Perform Row 1 and 2 just 3 times, then tie Row 1 again. Close the hinges on the drawing on the seamy side.

Lift and knit with facial 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 pet, starting from the middle of the armpit, then knit 42 (46) 48 (52) 54 (60) 64 loops from the first sleeve looper as they look, then lift and knit facial 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 pet on the other side of the center of the armpit.

Total 50 (54) 58 (62) 66 (72) 78 pet on the spokes.

Spread loops on 5 mm double-edged knitting needles. Close the circle row. Put a marker to the beginning of the row.

Knit 2 rows of loops as they look.

In the next row, begin to reduce the loop, knit: 1 wed, 2 wed together, up to the last 3 pts, 2 worn together, 1 worn.

Continue to knit the loops as they appear, diminishing the loops in each of the 14th (12th) 10th (10th) 10th (8th) 7th rows until 36 (38) 40 remain (42) 44 (46) 48 pet on the spokes, that is, a total of 7 (8) 9 (10) 11 (13) 15 times.

Then knit exactly as set, until the sleeve length reaches 42 (43) 43 (44) 44 (44) 44 cm.

Switch to 4 mm double-edged knitting needles and knit a sleeve placket. Follow the pattern, as before, on the scarf.

Circular row 1: knit all the loops face.

Circular row 2: knit front loops, pattern loops, knit as before.

Tie Circular row 1 and 2 only 3 times, then knit circular row 1 one more time and close all the loops.

Tie the second sleeve the same as the first.

Button placket
Lift and knit with the front 88 (88) 92 (92) 92 (96) 96 petts along the left ledge with 4 mm circular needles.

Row 1 (IS): 3 internal, * 2 persons, 2 internal *. Repeat from * to *. Complete 2 persons, 3 out.

Row 2: 3 persons, * 2 interns, 2 persons *. Repeat from * to *. Finish 2 life, 3 persons.

Tie Row 1 and 2 only 3 times, then tie RD 1 one more time. Close the loop on the picture.

Button hole placket
Lift and knit facial 88 (88) 92 (92) 92 (96) 96 petts along the right shelf with 4 mm knitting needles.

Row 1 (IS): 3 internal, * 2 persons, 2 internal *. Repeat from * to *. Complete 2 persons, 3 out.

Row 2: 3 persons, * 2 interns, 2 persons *. Repeat from * to *. Finish 2 life, 3 persons.

Row 3: knit as Row 1.

Row 4: (holes for buttons, BOS): 3 w, * 2 together w, nakid, knit 10 pet with a rubber band *. Knit from * to * a total of 6 (6) 7 (7) 7 (7) 7 times, nakid, 2 worn together, knit 11 (11) 3 (3) 3 (7) 7 pet with an elastic band.

Knit Row 1 and 2 once. Close the loop on the picture.

Secure the loose ends of the yarn. Sew the buttons against the holes. Wet the cardigan, wring out without twisting. Straighten on a horizontal surface in size and allow to dry.

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