
Kids Cardigan Free Pattern

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You will need: Yarn Designer Yarns Aran with Wool (75% wool, 25% Acrylic; 400 g/800 m)-400 (400; 800; 800) g blue color (№ 512); Spokes № 4.5 and 5; Six buttons. 

Platelka Mating: persons. and N. P.-Persons. P. 

Facial surface: Faces. P.-Persons. P., N. R.-Izn. P. 

Make Pico (MP): Dial 1 P., close this loop on the right spoke. 

Density of Knitting: 16.5 p. x 20 R. = 10 cm, persons. № 5. 

Backrest: On the spokes № 4.5 to score 62 (66:70:74) p., Projazat 10 rows of a binding. Change the spokes to № 5. Next knit faces. Surface. Reduce 1 p. On each side in each 13th (15th: 17th: 19th) row 1 (2:2: 3) times, then in each 10th (12th: 14-M😊 Row, 2 (1:1 😊 times = 56 (60:64:68) p. Knit straight up to the total height of 24 (28:30:35) cm, finish. Next. 

For armholes. Close 3 p. At the beginning of the trail. 2 rows = 50 (54:58:62) p. Lower 1 P. In each 2 (2:3: 4) Series = 46 (50:52:54) P. Continue straight up to the height of the Armus 16.5 (18:19:20.5) cm, finish the izn. Side by side. For shoulder bevel. Number 1 (persons. R.): 15 (16:17:17) persons. P., turn, the remaining 31 (34:35:37) p. Remove the PIN. Continue on 15 (16:17:17) p. Left shoulder, footprint. Number of Row 2: Subtract 1 P. At the beginning of the row, To the end of the series = 14 (15:16:16) p. Row 3: Close 6 (7:7: 7) p. At the beginning of the series, persons. To the end of the series = 8 (8:9:9) p. 

Row 4: Subtract 1 P. At the beginning of the row, To the end of the series = 7 (7:8: 8) p. Close the remaining loops. Remove from the hinge pins, close 16 (18:18:20) p. For the neck, the faces. To the end of the series = 15 (16:17:17) p. Row 1 (n. Row): N. Row 2: Reduce 1 P. At the beginning of the row, persons. To the end of the series. 14 (15:16:16) p. Row 3: Close 6 (7:7: 7) p. At the beginning of the series, N. To the end of the series = 8 (8:9: 9) p. Row 4: Reduce 1 P. At the beginning of the series, persons. To the end of the series = 7 (7:8: 8) p. Close the remaining loops. 

Left shelf: On spokes № 4.5 to dial 39 (42:45:47) p., Projazat 3 rows of a binding. Row 4 (n.): Pico, persons. To the end of the series. Snap the Pico at the beginning of every 4th row. 6 rows of binding. Change the spokes to № 5. Further knit 23 (24:25:27) p. Persons. Gladyu and 16 (18:20:20) p. Platelkoj for a lath. Pico to tie as before, at the beginning of the series. Lower 1 p. At the beginning of the 13th (15th: 17th: 19th) row 1 (2:2: 3) times, then in each 10th (12th: 14-M😊 Row, 2 (1:1 😊 times = 36 (39:42:44) p. Knit right up to the beginning of the armholes on the backrest, finish off the side. 

For armholes. Close 3 p. At the beginning of the trail. 2 rows = 33 (36:39:41) p. Lower 1 P. In each 2 (2:3: 4) row = 31 (34:36:37) p. Continue straight up to the height of the Armholes 9 (8:9: 10) cm, finish the faces. Side by side. For neck cut. Knit Trail. Way: (Pico is as well as before). Row 1 (n. Row): 2 persons. P., turn. A number of 2:2 persons. N. Series 3 (N. Row): 1 persons. P., 2 together persons., rotate. Row 4: Remove 1 P. With right spokes on left, thread at work, 2 faces together. Behind the back wall, 1 persons. P. Repeat the 3 and 4 rows until the left speaker is 10 (11:12:12) n the strap. Trail. Row (n. Row): 3 together faces., knit all loops to the end of the series = 23 (25:26:27) p. Place the marker at the beginning of the last row, for the collar. Get 1 row. Trail. Row (n. Row): Close 3 (3:3: 4) p. At the beginning of the series (from the side of the throat) = 20 (22:23:23) P. Trace. Row: Knit to the last 2 p., 2 persons together = 19 (21:22:22) p. Trace. Row: Close 2 (3:3: 3) p., reach the end of the series = 17 (18:19:19) p. Lower 1 P. From the side of the neck in each row 4 times = 13 (14:15:15) p. Knit to the height of the bevel of the shoulders on the backrest, finish the. Side by side.

For shoulder bevel. Close 6 (7:7: 7) p. At the beginning of the trail. Number, and 7 (7:8: 8) p. At the beginning of the second row. Mark the location of the 6 buttons. The first 2 buttons are 5 cm lower from the beginning of the armholes, the last two buttons-2.5 cm from the edge of the strap. The middle two buttons are evenly between the first and the last. This arrangement is approximate, it is possible adjustment that between loops there was identical quantity of rows. 

Right Shelf: * * (for eyelets: With faces, 3 persons. P., scum, 2 together persons, persons. Up to the last 5 p. strips, scum, 2 together persons., further knit as described). On spokes № 4.5 to dial 39 (42:45:47) p., Projazat 2 rows of a binding. Row 3 (n.): Pico, persons. To the end of the series. Snap the Pico at the beginning of every 4th row. 7 rows of binding. Change the spokes to № 5. Further knit 16 (18:20:20) p. Platelkoj for Lath and 23 (24:25:27) p. Persons. Surface. 

Pico to tie as before, at the beginning of the series. Lower 1 p. At the beginning of the 12th (14th: 16th: 18th) Row 1 (2:2: 3) times, then in each 10th (12th: 14-M😊 Row, 2 (1:1 😊 times = 36 (39:42:44) P. * * Do not forget to tie the buttonholes. Knit right up to the beginning of the armlet on the back, finish the... close 3 p. At the beginning Trail. 2 rows = 33 (36:39:41) p. Lower 1 P. In each 2 (2:3: 4) row = 31 (34:36:37) p. Continue straight up to the height of the Armholes 9 (8:9: 10) cm, finish the faces. Side by side. 

For the neck. Knit Trail Way: (Pico is the same as before). Row 1 (persons. Row): 2 persons. P., turn. A number of 2:2 persons. N. Row 3 (persons. Row): 1 persons. P., 2 together persons., rotate. Row 4: Remove 1 P. With right spokes on left, thread at work, 2 faces together. Behind the back wall, 1 persons. P. Repeat the 3 and 4 rows until the left spoke 10 (11:12:12) p. trims. Trail. Number (persons. Row): 3 together persons., knit all loops to the end of the series = 23 (25:26:27) p. Place the marker at the beginning of the last row, for the collar. Get 1 row. Trail. Row (persons. Row): Close 3 (3:3: 4) p. At the beginning of the series (from the side of the throat) = 20 (22:23:23) P. Trace. Row: Knit to the last 2 p., 2 persons together = 19 (21:22:22) p. Trace. Row: Close 2 (3:3: 3) p., reach the end of the series = 17 (18:19:19) p. Lower 1 P. From the side of the neck in each row 4 times = 13 (14:15:15) p. Knit to the height of the bevel of the shoulders on the backrest, finish the. Side by side. For shoulder bevel. Close 6 (7:7: 7) p. At the beginning of the trail. Number, and 7 (7:8: 8) p. At the beginning of each second row. 

Sleeves: for cuff. On spokes № 4.5 to dial 8 (8:10:10) p. Rows 1-3: persons. To the end of the series. Row 4: Pico, faces. To the end of the series. Repeat the 1-4 series to the height of 18 (19:20:20) cm, finish the faces. Side by side. Close all loops, thread not to break, last loop leave on the spokes and dial along the side edge of the cuff 30 (32:34:34) p. 

Change the spokes on № 5 and knit on the faces. Surface. On each side add 1 p. In the 5th row and in each 6th row 4 (6:7:11) times, then in each 8th row 3 (2:2 😊 times = 46 (50:54:58) P. Continue the faces. To the height of 31.5 (35.5:39.5:43) cm, to finish the... for okata sleeves. Close 5 (5:4: 4) p. At the beginning of the Trail 6 (4:6: 6 ) series and-(6:6:7) p. At the beginning of the trail. 2 rows 16 (18:18:20) p. Close the remaining loops.

Collar: knit knitting. On spokes № 4.5 to dial 2 p. Rows of 1.2 and 4: persons., to the end of the series. Row 3: Pico, faces., to the end of the series. Repeat the last 4 rows 3 more (3:4: 4) times. Get 1 row. Trail. Row: 2 persons together, dial 9 (9:11:11) P. = 10 (10:12:12) p. 1 row. Row 1: Pico, faces., to the end of the series. Rows 2, 3 and 4: persons., to the end of the series. Repeat the last 4 rows until the collar compares to the distances between the markers. 

Next Knit trail. Way: (tying the Pico as before). Row 1 (persons. R.): 2 persons., rotate. A number of 2:2 persons. Number 3 (persons. P.): 1 persons. P., 2 together persons., rotate. Row 4: Remove 1 P. With the right spokes on the left, thread at work, 2 together persons., 1 persons. P. Repeat the 3rd and 4th rows until on the left spoke 2 paragraph 2 together persons. Close the loops by pulling the thread. 

Assembly: Sew sleeves, carry out seams of sleeves, and lateral seams. Sew the collar. Sew the buttons.

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