
Bookworm Amigurumi

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# toy @ knit_toyss , # igrushka_kryuchkom @ knit_toyss Author toys - Elena Balanenko (Alka) Abbreviations CA - ring amigurumi RLS - bar without nakida Ps - polustolbik with sc CH - bar with sc C2H - column 2 nakidami Ss - connecting column Bp - air loop Pr - increase U - decrease A knit we use green yarn. Stuff in as knitting. Body 1 part (1 part) 1: 6 Cbd in SC (6) 2: 6 Pr (12) 3-4: 12 Cbq (12) 5: 6 Ub (6) Close, cut the thread

Part 2 (Part 1) 
1: 6 Cbd in the SC (6) 
2: 6 Pr (12) 
3: (Cbn, Pr) x6 (18) 
4-6 (3p): 18 Cbn 
7: (Cbn, Kb) x6 (12) 
8: 6 UB (6) 
Close, cut the thread 

3 part (2 parts) 
1: 6 Cn in KA (6) 
2: 6 Pr (12) 
3: (Cn, Pr) x6 (18) 
4: ( 2 Cb, Rx) x6 (24) 
5-8 (4p): 24 Cbl 
9: (2 Cbl, Ub) x6 (18) 
10: (Cbq, Ub) x6 (12) 
11: 6 Ub (6) 
Close, cut the thread 

4 part (3 parts) 
1: 6 Cn in the SC (6) 
2: 6 Cn (12) 
3: (Cb, Cn) x6 (18) 
4: (2 Cn, Cn) x6 (24) 
5: ( 3 Cf, Rx) x6 (30) 
6-10 (5p): 30 Cbl 
11: (3 Cf, K) x6 (24) 
12: (2 Cn, Kb) x6 (18) 
13: (Cb, Kb) x6 (12)
14: 6 K (6) 
Close, cut the thread 

5 part (1 part) 
1: 6 Cn in KA (6) 
2: 6 Pr (12) 
3: (Cn, Pr) x6 (18) 
4: (2 Cn, Pr) x6 (24) 
5: (3 Cf, Pr) x6 (30) 
6: (4 Cf, Pr) x6 (36) 
7-13 (6p): 36 Cbn 
14: (4 Cf, Kb) x6 (30 ) 
15: (3 Ub, Ub) x6 (24) 
16: (2 Ub, Ub) x6 (18) 
17: (Ub, Ub) x6 (12) 
18: 6 Ub (6) 
Close, cut the thread 

1: 6 Cb in SC (6) 
2: 6 Pr (12) 
3: (Cbn, Pr) x6 (18) 
4: (2 Cbn, Pr) x6 (24) 
5: (3 Cbn, Pr) x6 (30) 
6 : (4 Cf, Pr) x6 (36) 
7: (5 Cf, Pr) x6 (42) 
8-15 (8p): 42 Cbl 
16: 10 Cbn, 6 Ave, 5 Cb, 6 Ave, 15 Cbl (54 ) 
17-22 (6): 54 Col
23: 10 Ubl, 6 Ub, 5 Ubl, 6 Ub, 15 Ubn (42) 
24: (5 Ub, Ub) x6 (36) 
25: (4 Ubn, Ub) x6 (30) 
26: (3 Syb, Ub ) x6 (24) 
27: (2 Cb, Cr) x6 (18) 
28: (Cb, Cb) c6 (12) 
29: 6 Cb (6) 
Close, cut the thread and leave the long thread. 

1: 6 Cb in SC (6) 
2: 6 Pr (12) 
3: (Cb, Pr) x6 (18) 
4-6 (3p): 18 Cbn 
7: (Cb, Kb) x6 (12) 
8: 6 K (6) 
Close, cut the thread 

8 Bp, with 2 loops from the hook 2 Cbl, 3 Ps, 2 Cbl 

1: 6 Cbq in KA (6) 
2: 6 Pr (12) 
3: (Cln, Pr) x6 (18) 
4: (2 Cf, Pr) x6 (24) 
5-9 (5p): 24 Cbl 
10: (2 Cf, Kp) x6 (18) 
11: (Cq, Kb) x6 (12)
12-40 (29р): 12 Сбн 
Close, cut the thread 

1. On the head from the top down, count 15p. Between the eyes, count 5 loops from each other. Sew on eyes. 
2. Next, sew the nose. Under him sew the mouth. 
3. Sew all parts of the body together, at the same time forming the body of the worm. 
4. We sew the head to the body. 
5. Take a thin wire for the hands and pierce the body. 
6. Bend the wire in shape, as shown, and lightly tape it. 
7. On the wire we dress our hands and sew them to the body. Bend the arms so that they support the head. 
8. We form and sew glasses. 
The little bookworm is ready. 

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