
How to tie Amigurumi Doll Hair

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Difficulty: Low
Working time: 2 hours
Materials: Cotton 100%, wool 100%, hook, scissors, needle, thread, hook № 1, yarn, knitted doll

I want to show you how I make my hair to my dolls. I immediately mention that the ways of mass, but this I use most often. The hair is very thick and can be braided and combed in different ways.

We will need:

Hair thread;
hook or needle;


If you do not plan too thick hairstyle or afraid that through the hair will shine through the head, you need a part of the head (under the hair) to be threaded in the tone of future hair.
Thread for hair cut into equal segments. The length of the thread depends on the desired length of hair. We will fold the thread in half!
A hook or a needle? I'll hook you up. But you need to take a smaller size, so that after your manipulation did not remain holes on the head. I have 1 mm.

Let's start with the crown. We enter a hook in a buttonhole, capture the folded in half a thread behind a middle and pull it.

The ends of a thread stretch through the formed loop and tighten.

So we do in each buttonhole, we move in a circle.

Continue in a circle until we reach the line of hair growth on the forehead.

Then we plan for ourselves how the hair will go on the sides. I usually just slowly reduce the length of each row.

Start filling each row exactly as well. And that's what we get:

You're done! You can evaluate the result. If somewhere there was a long thread, it is necessary to level up. Or maybe you even want to make a haircut:)

Source : https://www.livemaster.ru/topic/1402881-delaem-volosy-vyazanoj-kukle?msec=24

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