

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Ducks girlfriends
Master Class
Yarn 100% Cotton of one thickness of white, orange and purple / pink (for dress) 
Eye beads 
Wire for neck, legs

Body and head
1 row: Amigurumi ring 6 loops with white thread 
2 row: 6 times increase (12 loops) 
3 ranks: 1 RLS, 6 times increase (18) 
4 ranks: 2 RLS, increment - 6 times (24) 
5 series: 3 scs, 6 times increase (30) 
6 ranks: 4 scs, increment - 6 times (36) 
7-10 ranks: scs 36 
11 ranks: 7 scs, 4 decreases (32) 
12 ranks: 6 sc , decrease - 4 times (28) 
13 row: 5 RLS, decrease - 4 times (24)  

go to the dress color thread, if it is necessary 
approximately here it is best to insert the neck wire 
gradually fill with filler  

14-19 row: 24 RHN 
20 row : 4 RLS, reduction - 4 times (20) 
21 ranks: 3 RLS, 4 times reduction (16)
22 row: 2 RLS, decrease - 4 times (12) 
23 ranks: decrease - 6 times (6)  

go to the white thread 

24-25 row: 6 RLS  
26 row: increase - 6 times (12) 
27 ranks: increase - 12 times (24) 
28 series: 3 scs, increment - 6 times (30) 
29 ranks: 4 scs, 6 times increase (36) 
30 ranks: 5 scs, 6 times increase (42) 
31-36 ranks: 42 sc 
37 ranks: 5 RLS, reduction - 6 times (36) 
38 ranks: 4 RLS, decrease - 6 times (30) 
39 ranks: 3 RLS, decrease - 6 times (24) 
40 ranks: 2 RLS, decrease - 6 times 18) 
41 series: 1 RLS, decrease - 6 times (12) 
42 ranks: decrease - 6 times (6) 
tighten all the hinges. 

Wings  2 pieces
1 row: Amigurumi ring 4 loops with white thread 
2 row: 4 times increase (8 loops) 
3 row: 1 RLS, 4 times increase (12) 
4-6 row: RLS 12 
7 Row: 10 RLS (11) 
8 row: decrease, 9 SCN (10) 
9 row: decrease, 8 sc (9) 
10 row: decrease, 7 sc (8) 
11 row: decrease, 6 sc (7) 
12 row: decrease, 5 sc 6 
tighten all hinges 

at this stage you can sew the wings. 

Legs The
legs consist of two parts:  

Fins 2 pieces 
1 row: Amigurumi ring 5 loops with orange thread 
2 row: 5 times increase (10 loops) 
3 row: 1 RLS, 5 times increase (15) 
4-8 Row: RLS 15 
9 number 4 sc, growth - 3 times (18) 
10 number 2 sc, growth - 6 times (24) 
11 number 3 sc, CLO - 6 times (24)  

parts and the stuff bit crosslinked. 

Legs long part 2 pcs. 
9 air loops in a ring and knit in a circle a pipe of the necessary length, I have 18 rows 

1 row: Amigurumi ring 5 loops with orange thread 
2 row: 5 times increase (10 loops) 
3 row: 1 RLS, 5 times increase (15) 
4 ranks: 2 RLS, 5 times increase (20) 
5-6 rank: RLS 20 

sew the beak (as in the picture) and the eye-beads  

1 row we will tie in the trunk (picture below) 
1 row: RLS in each loop 
2 Row: 2 CCN in each loop 
3 Row: CCN in each loop 
4 Row: CC2N in each loop 

Bandage a
chain of air loops of the right size (measure on the head) to close and tie one row of columns with crochets. To decorate any flower (from Irish lace, for example), or a butterfly, or a beautiful button. 

Light loops for everyone! 

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