
Amigurumi Cat Tutorial

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Types of creativity:
Knitting> Crochet
Working hours:
6 hours
Karamelka lives in a small town with her Mom, Dad and two older brothers. Caramel is four years old, she likes to draw, collect flowers and play dolls. And she also likes to bring up her brothers - Compote and Korzhik. Witty, mischievous and quick-witted Karamelka likes to have fun and never faint. Her key phrase is "I know what to do!"
Let's tie this baby.
We need:
1. Yarn of the Pechora Children's novelty is white for the eyes, black for the nose, mustache and bangs and the color of the cutters for the middle of the ears, Camtex bambino red for dress and bow, Pechora Children's hit orange for face and tail, Vita coco brown for the legs and tail.
2. Hook 1.3 and 1.5.
3. Filler holofayber (stuffed in the course of knitting).
4. Needle for stapling and embroidery.
5. Plastic eyes 5 mm.
6. Glue.
 Ka-ring amigurumi
 ss - connecting column.
 sbn - a column without a crochet.
 ssn - a column with a crochet.
• Вп - the air loop.
 pr-increase.
 уб - reduction.
Head 1.5 hook:
1. 6bn;
2. 6pr = 12 сбн;
3. (1, np) * 6 = 18cb;
4. (2, pr) * 6 = 24 сбн;
5. (3, pr) * 6 = 30 сбн;
6. (4, pr) * 6 = 36 cbn;
7. (5, np) * 6 = 42cb;
8. (6, pr) * 6 = 48 сбн;
9. (7, pr) * 6 = 54 cbn;
10.-16. 54bn;
17. (7, уб) * 6 = 48 сбн;
18. (6, уб) * 6 = 42 сбн;
19. (5, уб) * 6 = 36 сбн;
20. (4, уб) * 6 = 30 сбн;
21. (3, уб) * 6 = 24 сбн;
22. (2, уб) * 6 = 18 сбн;
23. (1, уб) * 6 = 12 сбн;
24. 6 at b = 6 sc, fasten thread oberzat.

Ears 2pcs 1,5 hook:
1. 3 sb in the spacecraft;
2. pr * 3 = 6 sbn;
3. 6 sbn;
4. (1, np) * 3 = 9cbn;
5. 9 сбн;
6. (2, pr) * 3 = 12 sbn;
7. 12 сбн;
8. (3, pr) * 3 = 15 sbn;
9. 15 sbn;
10. (4, pr) * 3 = 18 sbn;
leave the nesting.

Lower legs hook 2, 3:
1. 6b in Ka; 2. 6 * pr = 12 cn;
3. 12 сбн;
4. 12 сбн;
5. 12 сбн;
6. 4ub, 4cbn = 8cbn;
7. 2yb, 4cbn = 6cbn;
8.-12. 6sbn, leave the thread for sewing.

Upper paws hook 1.3 2pcs:
We start with 3 fingers:
1. 5bn in the ka;
2. 5bn;
3. 5bn. We connect this way:
1. 3сбн the second finger, 5 сбн the third finger, 2сбн the second, 5сбн the first, further;
2. 6уб, 1уб from 3х loops;
3. 2сбн, уб, 1сбн, уб.
And we knit 6 rows of 5bn.

Middle for ear 2pcs:
1. 2in;
2. In the second loop, pr, cn, turn;
3. (1сбн, пр), вп, turn;
4. 3сбн, вп, rotation;
5. (2сбн, пр), вп, turn;
6. 3сбн, in the last loop 3сбн knit and further to the end we tie a triangle, tying up in the top on 3 with бн.

Dress 1.5 hook:
1. 6сбн in spacecraft;
2. 6 * pr = 12 cn;
3. (1, np) * 6 = 18cb;
4. (2, pr) * 6 = 24 сбн;
5. 24 сбн behind the back wall;
6. 24 сбн;
7. (6, уб) * 3 = 21 сбн;
8. (5, уб) * 3 = 18 сбн;
9. 18bn;
10. 18 сбн;
11. (4, уб) * 3 = 15 сбн;
12. 15 сбн;
13. (3, уб) * 3 = 12 сбн;
14. 12 сбн;
15. (2, yb) * 3 = 9cbn;
16. 9bn;
17. 9 сбн, leave the thread for sewing.
We fill the dress in the course of knitting, at the bottom behind the front wall we unite the thread and tie it along
circle two more rows of sb:
1. 24 сбн;
2. (7, pr) * 3 = 27 сбн, fix and cut the thread.

Tail 1,5 hook:
1. 6sbn in the spacecraft (orange);
2. 6 * pr = 12 cn;
3. 12 сбн;
4. (2, уб) * 3 = 9 сбн;
5. 9 сбн (brown);
6. 9 сбн (orange);
7. 9bn;
8. 9 сбн (brown);
9. (7сбн, уб) = 8 сбн (orange);
10. 8 сбн;
11. 8cb (brown);
12. (6, yb) = 7sbn (orange);
13. 7сбн, leave a thread for sewing.

Eye hook 1.3 2pcs:
1. 6сбн in spacecraft;
2. pr * 6 = 12 сбн, fix the thread and leave it for sewing.

Glue the pupils at the center of the peephole.

Bantik 1.5 hook:
1. dial 7in, into the second loop from the hook 6sbn, in, turn, (6sbn, bp, turn) * 11 times,
2. We tie around the perimeter of the sb, in the corners we sew by 3sb. In the middle we tighten and leave
thread for sewing.
It turns out a bow for Caramel.

All the details are stitched / sewed, guided by the photo.
For whiskers, as well as for Sadzhik, we cut a string of 6 pieces, and we make a good knot at one end to
it was not easy to pull out afterwards, and push the bundle inwards with a hook. We also do the bangs (
three more strings).
We embroider a black thread with a black thread, we embroider a calf and cilia with a brown thread. Along the sides in the cheek area
make brown strips, 3 on each side.

Author : Irina Kurenkova
Source : https://www.livemaster.ru/IrinaK87

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